Sunday, February 1, 2009

Do You Ear What I Ear?

Ivory is funny. She LOVES medicine. I'm not sure if she just feels special when she gets a little extra attention when we take her aside to give her medicine, or if she really thinks it works, but she loves the stuff. When she had a bit of a cough the other week, we were putting Vick's Vapor Rub on her feet and chest at night. Well, several nights later, she came crying out of bed because we had forgotten her 'feet medicine'.

"Honey, you don't have a cough anymore," I explained. But that didn't stop her asking for it for several more evenings.

Then she got an ear infection, poor duck. She was very unhappy about the whole thing, but the pink medicine made it all worth it. She was thrilled to get it day and night (you all remember the pink amoxicillin—it really did taste good).

But all good things come to an end and she was very sad when there was no more medicine. She talked about going back to the doctor and getting more, and I really think if she could have willed herself to have another ear infection, she just might have.

Perhaps her willing went astray, because only days later, Robyn got an ear infection. She didn't plan hers as well, and we ended up going to InstaCare on a weekend instead of seeing our normal doctor. And being on that subject, why do Pharmacies open an hour later on Sunday? If you are going to be open, just BE OPEN. Why save yourself an extra hour of sleep and confuse all the people who are used to the pharmacy opening at 9:00 (do I sound bitter?).

And so begins the regimen of Robyn's day and night medicine. I hope Ivory doesn't get too jealous.


  1. How cute that she actually WANTS to take her medicine... My kids always hated that part of life. I am sorry to hear about the ear infections... That is no fun. Kaysen had constant ear infections for the first two years of his life (until we got tubes in his ears). Yikes, I hope you are all feeling better soon.

  2. Ivory might change her mind if you give her a dose of Nyquil. Funny - as nasty-tasting as that stuff is, I have had so much of it over the years that I rather like the taste now. Perhaps Ivory gets her love of medicine from me!

  3. My big mistake with medicine was in buying the gummy bear vitamins. My kids ate the whole bottle in one day. I didn't find out about it until the next day, by which time it was too late to have their stomachs pumped. I was afraid of iron poisoning, but fortunately, those vitamins didn't have extra iron.

    So we went back to the nasty chewable vitamins.

  4. How funny that she actually wants to take it! Hopefully, she'll be like this forever...
