Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A conversation while watching the dog go to the bathroom...

Robyn: It seems she only pees and poops.

Me: Do you do more?

Robyn: Uh-huh....throw-up.

There you have it. The wise words of a four year old. Should I tell her that dogs throw-up too?


  1. That brings back very unpleasant reminders - of cleaning up dog throw-up. For heaven's sake, don't ask Robyn what ELSE she can do that the dog doesn't do!

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  4. Does she know that dogs do throw up and they will sometimes eat it back up? I sure glad we don't do that....YUCK!!

  5. Ah- keep it a secret- all in due time.

  6. I'm really glad I read this while I was eating my breakfast.

  7. If Robyn spent any time at my house she would know that one. I swear my dog throws-up every week. Not only that but she always happens to do it on the carpet... we only have 2 rooms with carpet... Stupid dog!
