Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Escalator

I love how kids keep things interesting. They give me something to blog about almost daily.

Yesterday, we went to the Mall to do some shopping. Luckily Tyler was with me and he was strolling the baby (normally I have my hands full with Daisy). My kids are like all kids and they are fascinated with the escalator. They would go up and down and up and down if we would let them (we don't). We had just got to the mall and we were trying to decide if we would tilt the stroller and take it down the escalator or go into Dillard's and find an elevator down. I turned to see Robyn take off on the escalator.
Now when I say take off, she literally took off. She had grabbed the moving hand rail from the end and it had pulled her right up and she had wrapped her legs around it to stay on. This is all fine and well until the hand rail starts to descend and Robyn was going down head first. Add the fact that suddenly there was nothing between her and the huge drop off the side. Sometimes there are stairs next to an escalator (in case you prefer walking) but there were none here and it was a loooong drop to the bottom. I looked on the internet and this is as close as I can come to an appropriate idea. There obviously weren't such tight walls at the top or she couldn't have gotten on in the first place, but the height is about right.

It all happened quickly. I simply took several steps down and plucked her off the edge. She was already yelling, "Mom, mom, mom!" since she couldn't get down. It wasn't a big deal and yet I might have saved her life. I held onto her the rest of the way down and then she curled up on my shoulder and sobbed (she was really scared, poor girl). It is moments like this that I am just happy that things turned out the way they did. No one would want to hear the sad version of this story.


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so glad she's ok. I am an adult and sometimes I am scared of escalators. I think it all stems back to this old "Rescue 911" episode I saw as a kid where a little boy got his clothes trapped in one and almost died. It was scary and I still remember it.

    Also, I'm glad you finally commented on my blog. You're like a regular commenter and reader so I thought it was weird that you hadn't posted in awhile. I forgive you though. I forget to check the private blogs as often too!

  2. Wow - that could have been sooo bad. It's crazy in times like those to think about the "could have beens", because the outcomes are just tragic. Luckily you reacted so fast....she must have been terrified (probably thinking about the "what if"). Poor girl - I guess maybe next time she wont be so quick to jump on it like that!

  3. And they wonder why our hair turns gray! I had a few of those near-death-for-your-child incidents, and they really shake you up. Don't dwell too much on what might have happened, but be thankful the Lord is watching over your family. It doesn't hurt to have good reflexes too!

  4. Hey my boys are both 12 pounds a piece. They weigh the exact same right now. It's just that kai is short and round and cameron is long and lean! These boys have grown SO much quicker than Callie. They are bigger than Callie at this age already.

  5. That is so scary... It is amazing how many little miracles happen everyday. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much... it is proven in the lack of sad endings to so many stories.

  6. Poor Robyn! Escalators can be really dangerous. I'm glad you got to her in time.

  7. Escalators are so dangerous! I'm always afraid of getting caught in them.
