Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hodge Podge

I got a little behind this weekend, so you get a bit of everything.

Friday night we got together with some friends. We ate good food and played some fun games. And we laughed really hard!!
Since most of you weren't there, this won't mean a lot to you, but I am writing down a few notes because I want to remember.

We played Beyond Balderdash, which was really fun. Here are some of the best moments:

*Defining Haboob (that word alone should get your creative juices flowing). I about died when Tyler started talking about Habeeb's Haboob shop, with an Indian accent.
*Steve saying that the initials G.O.T.A. stood for Get Off The Airplane. Can you imagine a stewardess calmly announcing over the intercom, "Passengers, please G.O.T.A. If you don't know what G.O.T.A. stands for, please refer to page nine of your safety manual."

Ahh...good times.

Saturday, we went over to another friend's house (yes, our babysitter made out like a bandit this weekend), and we played Wii. I have never really played before except some brief bowling at one time. This time we played Olympics and Outdoor Adventure. It was so much fun, but I was so sore the next day; especially my arms. The best moment was probably Tyler and me competing on the floor mat together. We were doing something called the Conveyor and it mainly consisted of running and jumping. It got progressively harder and towards the end we were just jumping around like fools. Our dear friends were going to take a video of us, but fortunately for us all, they didn't think about it until too late and then Tyler died (yes, that is right—I ROCK!!)

Also, (and this really deserves a post of its own) we have been playing with my new camera, a Nikon D90. It is a sweet camera, but it has so many buttons, I will need to do some homework before I figure it all out. However, that doesn't mean we can't play. I'll leave you with some fun shots.
Look at this cheeser.

A scrabble game with June, and yes, I spelled my name as a word.

Oh, and then did I mention that I can't get enough of this baby?

I love how curious she is now. When we put her in the bumbo seat she is always looking around, usually trying to see what we have left within reach.

Yep, just some more cuteness.

Look at that small baby bum in the background (too bad it always seems to have a rash. Speaking of which, does anyone have suggestions for good butt creams—we are having a beast of a time keeping her rash-free).


  1. Recently Bryan had a pretty bad diaper rash that I couldn't seem to get rid of....until I started using Boudreaux's Butt Paste and that seemed to work. I have also heard that Burts Bees has a good cream, and it was suggested to me at one time to put Vaseline on at every diaper change....pee or poop. I haven't tried that one because I didn't want to make sure I had it handy all the time. Sounds like you and Tyler had a great time at your game nights. We wish we could live closer so we could get together with you guys for games! Those are some cute pics of the girls!

  2. That camera is fabulous! (and the photographer isn't bad either...) I love how candid and adorable all of these pictures are! So super cute.

    You saying you had game nights and played the wii reminded me that we should have you guys over to our apartment sometime to play Wii Rockband. It is so fun and I can see it being right up Tylers alley! Maybe after the craziness of the wedding is over we can plan something!

  3. 1. the first time i played Wii Boxing, I was sore for a good week. I didn't realize that you don't need to jump around... just wave your arms around.

    2. Fabulous pictures. One hint: turn off your flash. I looks like it fired in all except the Scrabble shot. I guarantee you'll like it more without the flash. Read your manual. Learn about fstop and shutter speed and ISO and how they all relate.

    3. The rash: have you tried switching your brand of diapers? Could it be a yeast rash instead of a diaper rash? We use Boudreaux's Butt Paste as well.

  4. Your pictures are so cute! I love them. Also, I have never had to deal with diaper rash, but my mom always used Bag Balm on all of us kids when we were babies. Seemed to work.

  5. Alissa,

    The flash pops up on its own in the auto setting, but I took some without the flash as well. Tyler took some of those photos and he doesn't mess with the fstop and shutter.

    The rash was a yeast rash and we got some cream for that. The yeast part is looking better but the rest of her reddened up and looks so sore. I haven't tried Boudreaux's but Bag Balm seemed to make it worse. Are they similar?

  6. Yay for the D90! That's what we have and I love it!! Although, I still can't use it properly. My brother was trying to teach me to use it without the flash too, but I still don't quite get it. I need a class to teach me how to use it!

    I love playing games with friends. Too fun!!

  7. You take such awesome pictures!!! I want a camera like yours! Not that I would have the talent that you have or anything... but I love, love, love pictures!!!

  8. Love the pics from the new camera! I especially love the scrabble pic!

  9. Fun pictures! I've gotta say, I love the Wii. I always think I should get one, and I try convince myself I'd play all the time. I'm not convinced just yet.
