Monday, February 16, 2009


I guess we will just go in birth order today.


I was cleaning out some of my old jewelry today and I found a lot of broken necklaces. Young children are hard on jewelry, so I am not surprised at the amount of stuff that is destroyed, but the good news is that beads can be used again (if you have the time, energy, and supplies). I just need to find a spot where I can put all the beads to be used at a later time. June found all the beads in a pile and she sat down to organize and play with them while I took a nap. I woke up to find this self portrait. Pretty creative huh? Tyler likes the toes (anatomically correct).


Robyn says things that make me laugh all the time, and I always forget to write them down, but here is one I caught yesterday.
Moxy was outside finishing her business (yes, Robyn and I were watching have no idea how much she loves that dog), and Moxy was taking her time. I opened the door and Robyn yelled, "Moxy, Moxy, MoooooXY!" Moxy dutifully came running and I heard Robyn mutter under her breath, "Well, that sure got her attention."

Then today, Robyn had gotten out a game and spread the pieces all over the room (typical) and I asked her to clean up. I heard her upstairs coercing Ivory.

Robyn: Just come and help me and I'll give you lots of surprises.

Ivory: I don't need any surprises.

Robyn just hasn't learned that all you need to do is promise Ivory candy and then she will do practically anything.


Ivory was finally invited to a birthday party of her very own. We have enough kids that people usually only invite the girl closest in age (and I totally understand that), so June has been to several by herself and even Robyn has been to a few birthday parties, but not Ivory.
Needless to say, she was ecstatic to be invited to a princess party today. Um...too bad she woke up with a fever. I told her that she couldn't go and she was heartbroken. But, I didn't want her to miss out, so I dressed her up anyway, and we delivered the gift.

And she was able to bring a cupcake home (and that is probably why she was going in the first place, so maybe she didn't miss out at all).


Yep, still adorable.


  1. Cute stories - it's a good thing you have daughters, otherwise your hair creativity would be completely wasted. Poor Isabelle, her hair will never look like Ivory's.

  2. Ivory's hair really did look cute, so did her dress. Too bad she missed the party :(

  3. How sad for Ives to wake up with a fever on a day for a party! Lucky she got that cupcake-delicious!

  4. You really are super creative with the girls hair. I need some lessons from you sometime so I will always have the knowledge. So sad for Ivory that she couldn't go to the party, but she really did look comforted by that cupcake! And I have to say, the bead person was fabulous. Way to go June!
