Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Butt Battle

Man, it has been a bumpy ride with Daisy's posterior lately. It all started when she went to solids for good because her weight was down (this was right around six months and she is seven months now, so I would say this battle has been going on for about a month). I guess her body wasn't quite used to the solids so she developed a little rash on her bum...which got worse and worse. I finally talked to the doctor and found out it was a yeast rash, but the cream she prescribed didn't really do the trick. It helped with the yeast a little, but other parts were getting redder and redder and almost bleeding.

The main problem in all this was that Daisy was pooping like every twenty minutes (I kid you not). Every time I turned around she had gone again and I was changing a diaper and putting more cream of some kind on her. Her little tush was not getting a break. Then I started wondering how I was supposed to use the cream (specifically the yeast cream here). The directions say to put in on twice a day, and the doctor had said three times. Well, let's do some math: if she poops every twenty minutes, after two applications (or forty minutes later) we are done for the day? That didn't seem right.

And to make matters worse, there was the problem at night. She was starting to wake up and scream because she had a dirty diaper (I don't blame her here in the least. In fact, I considered waking her up to change her, but if she wasn't dirty, I didn't want to interrupt her sleep). So now she had gone from sleeping through the night to getting up regularly at 2 or 3 in the morning and often at 5 or 6 again.

I was at my wit's end. I had had it up to here (you have to imagine me holding my hand somewhere around my forehead). We tried a lot of creams. I mean, pick your poison...

Then we decided to switch diaper brands, AGAIN. We switched when she was little, so I thought we had found a good match, but apparently, it was time to switch again.

And now, I think there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Her stomach is finally calming down, and I think the new diapers are helping. Last night she got up twice, but each time she was only wet. So now I just have to retrain her to sleep through the night; no problem (blech).
Her little bum is starting to look halfway normal and through it all, she has been such a good baby. I can't imagine how horrible it has been to have a sore bottom for a month, but she has been a trooper.

So, if anyone needs size two in Luvs, we have about 13 diapers left, up for grabs.


  1. The same kind of thing happened to Andy when he was about the same age and it happened to be the diapers. Now all we can use are huggies. I am glad she is getting better.

  2. Her poor little behind. Callie had a similar problem. Actually I still have to change her immediately or she gets extremely irritated. That cannot feel good for them. I can't imagine how uncomfortable and painful it must be.

  3. Zander has really sensitive skin and is always getting rashes of some sort, my doctor prescribed something they make special at Taylor Drug in American Fork called "butt paste". Yes, that's right, that is what it is called. Maybe that could do the trick?

  4. I've seen Butt Paste at Target.
    I found with my babies that the baby wipes were the main culprit. For awhile, I had to use cotton balls and water and dry the bum completely. Once the rash cleared up, I was able to use sensitive skin/unscented wipes (Huggies). I coat the bum w/ Balmex before bed. Good Luck!

  5. My best diaper rash treatment was twofold - cornstarch on the little bum, and leaving the diaper off as much as possible. Once they're crawling, this doesn't work so well. But at naps, I'd stick a towel on the mattress and leave them without a diaper on. That seemed to help a lot. It gives their little bum a chance to dry out some.

  6. Thanks again for all your wonderful comments. I have tried some, and others I will save for future use. Daisy definitely seems to be past the worst of it. I am one happy mom!
