Thursday, February 19, 2009

In the Blink of an Eye

3:45 pm: June and Ivory get in an argument and I send them to their beds to think about their decisions.

3:55 pm: June and Ivory are asleep (apparently it is tough work thinking about that kind of stuff).

4:00 pm: Robyn is chatting with me while I feed the baby.

4:05 pm: Robyn is asleep (I guess watching me feed the baby is not the captivating experience I thought it was).

4:10 pm: I am relishing some one-on-one with Daisy before I start dinner. I call Tyler to tell him that three of the kids are asleep (wahoo!!).

4:20 pm: I call Tyler back to tell him that dinner will not be ready when he gets home because I am headed out the door to the doctor's.


4:11 pm: June woke up crying that her ear hurts.

4:12 pm: I made a frantic call to the Dr.'s because I don't want to see an after-hours guy (since I already forked out $100 bucks on Tuesday for three copays, two negative strep-tests (at least that was good news) and more medicine since Ivory's ear infection was not responding to the pink medicine).

4:14 pm: Woke up a grumpy Ivory and put her shoes on.

4:16 pm: Woke up Robyn and dressed her since I didn't think she should wear her leotard to the doctor's.

4:19 pm: Packed kids in the car and thanked my lucky stars that the baby had just eaten so she should be relatively happy for the trip (she was). Remembered I was supposed to be making dinner, so I went inside to call Tyler.

It is amazing how quickly everything can change.


  1. Good times! Seriously, I hope you are all feeling better soon. We have been to the dr. so much this last week it's not even funny. And I don't think it has done us any good! But what else can you do?

  2. You may find it rare to have all four kids well at the same time. Stock up on the over-the-counter things that can help when you don't absolutely have to see a doctor. Of course, ear infections are another thing. A permanent hearing loss would NOT be good. Hope next time this happens, somebody is available to step in and babysit for an hour or so.

  3. Man, things at your house are always so hectic!

  4. This sounds all too familiar. It has been a very sick February around here. I hope everyone feels better soon!

  5. I WISH that I could fall asleep that fast!
