Thursday, February 26, 2009

It Doesn't Matter if You're Black or White

Grandma came into town last weekend and I thought that would be a great time to get some prints done and give them to her. My film was overexposed and grainier than I would like, but in the end, I still like the pictures (come on...they are of my kids). So enough of my blathering for one post. Here they are. Wait, one more blather; the last picture is a friend of ours, NOT Tyler on a scruffy day.


  1. I love these pictures. You are getting so good at photography and I love seeing cute pictures of your girls!

  2. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I got some cute pics of your girls from the wedding. I'll have to email them to you.

  3. I am so impressed with your talent! Way to go.
