Friday, February 27, 2009

My Second Favorite Flower

I was going to say it was my new favorite flower, but I realized that nothing could ever replace the Daisy, especially after I named a child that, so the Tulip will have to settle for second. But oh, what a second.


You remind me that there was a reason I lived through winter. You promise that flip-flops will be bought again, and jackets left in the closet. You tell me that color is great, that Easter is coming (not to mention Cadbury mini eggs!!!). You remind me of Jesus, and expanses of beauty. I have such happy thoughts when I see you; I can't really describe it. I saw you at Costco and couldn't resist buying you since the weather has been so phenomenal. There were so many of you, I had to share with others...yay!! It was great to share a piece of Spring with my neighbors (and in February at that).

I'm sorry I don't live closer to you all, so the rest of you will just have to settle for pictures. So, gaze long, breathe deeply and remember that Spring is indeed around the corner. Wait, how did a Daisy sneak in there?


  1. well... daisy is a much cuter name than Tulip.

    i love tulips... i'm a little sad that we're moving to our new house too late to plant them for this year.

  2. Silly Maleen, cadbury eggs are already here!! Enjoy them for as long as you can, April comes much too quickly.
    Oh and I read your dog post and feel you pain, You see my dog IS huge and she is no predetor either. It's ridiculous. But my kids love her too, so what do I do?
    Maybe start a group for non-animal lovers who have to suffer in silence with the family pet :)

  3. Tulips are a pretty snazzy flower. Daisies are a good favorite!

  4. Oh, I love Tulips. But, my most favorite flower is the Gerber Daisy!!
