Saturday, February 28, 2009

No Leap Year

You might think this post is for all those people who DON'T get to celebrate their birthday this year, because there is NO February 29th.

It's not.

Although I do feel for you.

Nope, this post is to tell you that at her weight check yesterday, Daisy weighed 12 lbs. 13 oz. What a chunk. Yay! She is officially on the charts now.

0.23 Percentile.

How many calories are feet?


  1. Yay for Daisy!! Way to put on the pounds! :D It's always nice when you gain weight and it's actually a good thing. She is beautiful by the way!

  2. Hooray for Daisy!

    And feet are always an important part of a balanced baby diet.

  3. Aw, precious girl! She is so sweet.

  4. Holy crap kids are flexible if they can get their feets in their mouths.

  5. She is so cute! My 4 month old weighed in at 12 lbs 11oz last week. She used to be in the first percentile--not anymore! Here's to growing baby girls!

  6. I did that when I was little- I think she picked it up from my side of the family. OR maybe its a baby thing.
