Monday, March 2, 2009

How Do I Taste Now, Huh?

Ivory has been telling me stories lately. I think this is really good for her imagination and vocabulary. Her stories have similar themes and characters, and the ending is always the same...I die.

Yep, Mom is killed in every story. Sometimes it is a shark, sometimes a monster; sometimes I just keel over from unknown causes, but I am always eliminated.

A typical example:

Ivory: "I was swimming and I saw a shark. I told Mom I saw a shark. It was running after us and it got Mom killed."

To be fair, the shark/monster often kills other people too, but I am usually first.

So last night we found this SuperHero site thanks to Gerb. Maybe I can incorporate these characters into Ivory's stories. This Mom would never be chomped by a monster.

This one is a little more scantily clad, but that is only so you can see my cool Robot body. Bite THIS sharky!!

Dad did one for himself too, and I must say it is a pretty good likeness.

Oh, and I really liked Robyn's.

It's fun, you should try it.


  1. That is so Tyler that we can't believe it! Do they have any, shall we say, 'hefty' body styles? It would be hard to make one look like me without it. And I agree - you shouldn't ask everybody to try it without giving the link for it!

  2. Maybe Ivory secretly adores you soooo much that the thought of you being killed it just too much for her to deal with. So, she just eliminates you first so she does not have to worry about it anymore?!?! OK - so I have no clue, but the pictures are cute! Hope you new robot super double...lives!

  3. Sorry, I thought the link buttons would stand out...perhaps not. Click on "SuperHero" or "try it" in the post and they will take you to the site.

    Or you can put this address in your bar.
