Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Quite the Way We Planned It

Last week June's class discussed caring for your teeth. She came home with a chart to brush and floss her teeth each day. I am fairly good at getting them to brush (certainly not stellar), but we don't floss a lot around here unless we eat popcorn or corn on the cob (and maybe steak). June specifically asked me to floss her teeth so I got in there and immediately noticed her front teeth were loose. One remarkably so, the other just a tad.

June was ecstatic; apparently a lot of her friends also have loose teeth at the moment. Each day her tooth got more and more wobbly. On Friday I finally decided to take some action. It is not often that I let my crafty self out (especially the not-so-great-sewer side) but since Tyler had talked up his tooth fairy pillow for so long and I didn't want to go hunting for a tooth under her pillow, I whipped up this. Kinda cute, I think.

And just in the nick of time. June lost her tooth today.

Too bad she ate it with lunch.

She was mortified, mainly because she worried that the Tooth Fairy wouldn't bring her anything without the actual tooth present. I told her to write the Tooth Fairy a nice note and she would probably reconsider. Here is what we got. Also kinda cute, I think.

Since I know the Tooth Fairy personally, I'll put in a good word for her. But she better be more careful with the next one.

p.s. Her lips look so red because she was eating a sucker when I took this picture.


  1. The pillow is so cute. Good work! You really are crafty. And that note is darling. I gross out with teeth things (suprising given my career/school choice) so I was a little distraught and grossed out when you said she swallowed it, but I'm over it now and I think she looks so cute without her tooth. Good thing you know the tooth fairy to have her pull a favor your way! :D

  2. That pillow is way cute. I like it. Too funny that June ate her tooth with her lunch. I'm pretty sure I did that once when I was little.

  3. Cute little note to the tooth fairy! Bless her heart for eating the tooth! I am impressed by the pillow as well.

  4. I always thought that losing teeth would be a magical thing to watch my children do. It's kinda gross and less than magical--but cute if I can see it through their eyes. My oldest has lost knocked out on her cousin's head (missing now for 2 years with no site of a new one), one recklessly yanked by her mother because she couldn't stand it anymore, and one pulled by the dentist to make room for the one that was already completely in behind it. Oh, the magic is overwhelming. Your pillow is adorable though, truly.

  5. She was telling me about eating her tooth today. I think that's funny she ate it. I love your tooth pillow. June's note is cute. That will be fun for her to remember one day and see how she used to write.

  6. Very cute pillow! My brother is her primary teacher and he said something about her teeth being loose :)

  7. My brother did the same thing when he was little! He was eating corn pops for breakfast and when he bit on something hard, he just thought it was just a stale corn pop. So he swallowed it! Ooops! It was actually his tooth. The tooth fairy was lenient with him too : ) Tell June congrats on loosing her first tooth!
    And cute idea with the pillow by the way! I'll have to remember that! Miss you guys!
