Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Lingo

We try to have family scripture study each evening, but sometimes it is an event with the four girls. But they are learning and enjoying the stories.

We have been reading about King Noah and the people of Limhi. We do a bit of review each evening so we can see what we remember and if anyone was actually listening the night before. All the girls are really good at answering the questions, even if they aren't always the right answers. Ivory especially gets involved.

Mom: So last night we talked about the people of Limhi. What are they doing right now?

Ivory: Running around outside.


Mom: Who is talking to the king right now? (we were reading about Gideon)

Dad: Gid.... (trying to give everyone a hint)

Ivory: GIDIOT!!


Ivory raises her hand.

Mom: Yes Ivory.

Ivory: The Abinadites are dead. (Nice cross between Abinadi and the Lamanites; and truthfully the scriptures are just loaded with -ites.)

Poor Ivory, the scriptures do have a lot of interesting words that you don't hear every day, but I think she is doing a great job.


  1. Destined to be a scriptorian—just like her parents.

  2. That is so neat that she would make up a word like that, I'm quite impressed!

  3. She's definitely listening! I love that she raises her hand to participate. She's getting so grown up.
