Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No Pain, No Gain

Tuesday morning I woke up with what I was sure was the start of a bad sore throat. My kids and husband have been sick off and on, so no doubt it was my turn at last.

But hello, I don't have time to be sick (what mother does?). I weighed my options.

a. Take more vitamin C
b. Take a nap (yeah, like that would happen)
c. Do nothing and let illness overcome me for a few days (not a pleasant option with a busy weekend ahead)
d. Gargle something putrid

I chose option 'd'. I hear salt water can help, but I went with straight vinegar because that is so much nastier. I figured the more revolting, the more the germs would hate it too. The actual gargling wasn't so bad, it was just trying to spit it back out without having the vinegar touch too many taste buds that was the hard part. I can not describe in words how terrible it was. I gagged multiple times and almost vomited.

However, my throat is feeling better—almost like normal. I don't know if I would recommend this solution to others. I don't know if I could do it myself again knowing how bad it is, but I can't argue with the results.


  1. I have never tried vinegar, but last time I got a sore throat here's what I did:

    1 c. water
    1 tsp. cayenne pepper
    1 tsp. honey

    Warm in the microwave and drink it down.

    Wait for the steam to stop shooting from your ears.

    Then suddenly, you have no more sore throat. It lasts for about 4 hours. Then repeat.

    Warning: This is not for everyone! But it worked for me!

  2. The most daring I am is to do the salt water. Blech-but good for you that you're almost back to normal!!

  3. I lean more towards your friend Cindy B. I do hot water and lemon and honey. Not only does it taste good but it also soothes the soul...glad you're back up to par.
