Monday, February 9, 2009

My Italian Luvah or Why People Can't Get Over How Pale I Am

So, we headed back to the doctor's office today. The original errand was to pick up some micro-lipids for the baby, but while I was there I got the most use I could out of the doctor (by the way, I totally LOVE my pediatrician—she is amazing). We weighed the baby (up another 2 ounces, but not past 12 lbs. yet), diagnosed a terrible yeast rash on Daisy, got a prescription for some eye drops that we love (not at all related to the visit), and diagnosed Ivory with yet another ear infection (I guess she was able to will herself another one for some more pink medicine after all).

But what was really funny to me was the conversation I had in the waiting room. The receptionist was watching Ivory run around and was exclaiming over my cute baby (this is normal procedure; Daisy draws a crowd wherever she goes).

Receptionist: So, is your husband brown, because it seems like both your girls have more of an olive complexion?

Me: No, although he does tan well, where I just burn. My second child has my fair skin, but these two seem to have more of an olive tone.

Receptionist: And look at their dark your husband Italian?

At this point I was called back to see the doctor so I wasn't able to give this curt remark:

Me: Nope, he is just a normal Caucasian man, but I can see you are having problems believing these are really my children since they don't have my deathly pale vampire skin or my light eyes, but I promise they really did come from my womb...savvy?

Dear God,
Can my next child please have blue eyes, so I can claim one of my children. Oh, and God, I don't wish this pale skin on anyone, so you can still send them with that cool olive stuff.


  1. i get asked if i'm the nanny a couple times/year.

  2. Maybe he should change his name to the Italian Stallion.

    and p.s. I think it's funny that people make a big deal about you being pale. I have never considered you my pale friend. You definitely contributed to your girls' beauty.

  3. That's too funny. People are so bizarre about things sometimes. Weird.

  4. Don't you just love the things that people say!?!? I am not so sure most of them realize how "rude" they are being, but they are! Anyways, I wish my little ones had my dad's olive skin, my older sister and her son are the only ones blessed with my dads olive toned skin. Maybe one of my kids will - but then he/she might stand out and people might be asking the same questions you are getting...oh the drama!

  5. My friend is Tongan and his little boy has blond hair and blue eyes. He said he gets nasty looks at the grocery store all of the time!

  6. Funny - you're the 'darkest' person in our family and tan better than any of the rest of us. If you think you look like a vampire - what does that make the rest of us - ghosts? I'm afraid you probably won't get the blue-eyed child, but dark eyes are pretty too. At least you know that all of them carry the 'blue gene' so you might very well end up with blue-eyed grandchildren!

  7. How awesome would it be if you did have an Italian lover?!
