Sunday, February 8, 2009

She Had a Bad Day

I realized as I wrote the title that there are so many girls in this family that you might need some clarification, as to which 'she' I am talking about.
Unfortunately, it was Daisy's turn today.
We got ready for church as usual. Tyler was speaking, so I was already gearing myself up to have all four kids with no help. Women do it all the time, so I figured I could stick it out for one day. And truthfully, the kids weren't too bad while we were in the Chapel. It was just when we decided to leave for a moment.
I was sitting there singing the opening hymn, and I looked over at Ivory and realized that she was in panties today (she still goes back and forth between diapers and underwear, depending on the mood she is in), and that she hadn't used the bathroom since earlier that morning. This meant that she was a ticking time bomb, liable to go off at any moment. I briefly contemplated trying to last through Sacrament meeting, but visions of a wet pew quickly banished that idea. Next problem... I had Daisy and no Dad to hand her to (since he was up on the stand). I thought about handing her to a friend, or maybe June could watch her for a minute. I was thinking about these options as I leaned over to tell the girls that after the song I was going to take Ivory potty, and Robyn chimed in with a, "Oh, I need to go potty too." Fine, we will just take everyone. So after the song, we all filed out. Robyn goes by herself but Ivory needs a bit of help still. I balanced the baby on one knee, and held up her dress. Robyn finished up and Ivory wanted a wipe. I just didn't have the hands I needed, so I put the baby up on the counter and asked Robyn to make sure she didn't roll off.
Six seconds later, I regretted that decision. I was pulling up underwear and I hear the baby start to cry and I turn around to see her on the floor. (!@#!@^&^@#) I'd like to say that I was an understanding mother who didn't make the second child feel like dirt for letting her baby sister fall on the ground (not so much), so shortly there were two children crying (I apologized later). I never would have left her there with the baby if I didn't think she could handle it. It seemed simple...don't let baby roll off. If she rolls toward edge, push her back. For heaven sakes, she only weighs 11 lbs, she can't be that hard to move. Regardless, the damage was done, and it wasn't that serious. Daisy had a rosier cheek on one side, and some hurt feelings which I swiftly cuddled away.
The only good news is that Tyler is thrilled that he doesn't have to worry about being the first person to drop the baby (it has been him with the other three—and when I say 'drop' it usually means 'rolled off the couch' or something like that. I didn't want you people, who have seen Tyler toss our children around, to think he is not responsible).


  1. Wow, what a day. I don't know how you do it with 4 little kids/babies. You are wonderwoman. I know that I have certainly said many things to my kids that I later least you recognize it. The pictures of your family are so beautiful.

    Have a great week.

  2. Poor Daisy! Luckily though, it sounds like the injuries weren't too bad for her. But 4 kids on your own and a trip to the bathroom with all of them during Sac. meeting....that's some work right there. Mark just spoke 2 weeks ago so I was on my own with the two boys, and even then our friends immediately came to sit by us, knowing I'd be on my own - so how you do it, is beyond me. I think we all say things to our children in the heat of a moment that we might regret later...they still love us and know we love them!

  3. Poor little Daisy! I'm sure she's already forgotten it. Being alone in sacrament meeting with 4 little girls and taking a trip to the bathroom's lucky you made it out with only 1 injury (and not a serious one at that). Remember that wonder-woman comment from my last post? It proves to still be true! :P

  4. (HUGS). Trust me when I say that I know where you're coming from.

    Miles pulled Lucas off the couch and onto the floor at 4 days old.

  5. Good thing that baby is resilient!

  6. Oh I know how you feel. Andy fell down the stairs this week and got a nice big rug burn from his nose all the way up his forehead. Not to mention the two big bruises as well. I felt so bad for the poor guy! Also if you ever need help in church feel free to pass a baby or two off to me!

  7. So sad... I did think of you yesterday when I noticed your husband on the stand... If I wasn't all the way on the other side of the chapel I would have totally come and taken a couple of your children for you!

  8. You can always hand us a baby! We love babies! And I think every one of my kids rolled off the couch or my bed onto the floor. One of the girls actually sat on her brother. (No names though).

  9. Well, now that you've had your bad day for the week, things should only get better, right? Hopefully.

    My hubby has the flu and I'm realizing how incompetent I am without him...enlightening.

  10. Thanks everyone, I do know that I can hand a child to almost anyone at church and they will help (you are all such good friends), but Daisy has been a little attached recently (see previous post), so I didn't want her crying while I was gone (that tends to make people feel bad even when it isn't their fault).
    Oh and Rynell, I hear ya...I totally rely on my husband more than I realize.

  11. I'm glad she is okay. I from dropped all my kids. It's hard to have all your kids and no help. Thank goodness that I have Tyler. I admire the sisters that their husbands in the bishopric or that are single moms. They are amazing during church with their kids. I don't know if I could do it and I probably wouldn't come to church if I had to do all by myself all the time.
