Monday, March 23, 2009

EFHE (Extended Family Home Evening)

Kathryn (my sister-in-law) and her boys came down from Idaho today and they were nice enough to spend the evening with us. We had a great time. I was worried about the boys enjoying their evening with us since they are older than my kids and let's face it...we are completely opposite genders. K.J. (their youngest) is the same age as June and they get along great, but I worry about entertaining the older two. So I wound up planning a challenge FHE.

Our treat was locked away

and the keys were hanging nearby.

In order to get the keys, each team had to complete three challenges (mental, physical, and ridiculous). We really had a fun time. Some of the challenges were standing on your head and reciting the alphabet,

passing an orange using only your elbows,

opening gifts with gloves on,

making a word with your body (it says CAT, can't you tell?),

alphabetizing our names,

and even a race around the house despite the blustery weather.

All contestants threw themselves into the competition. I was very impressed and I think the boys had a good time.

I know I did.


  1. Looks like fun! You are so creative! I'm always throwing together FHE at the last minute. I need to get better at that.

    By the way, I'm wanting to try your Crack-off here in a few weeks. Does it work better with big groups or small? Is it better to do couples or individuals? Is it better to do one egg each or multiple? I'm trying to figure out how many people to invite...

  2. You are so stinkin creative. Your FHE's always sound so fun and like so much thought goes into them. I kind of enjoy not having to plan FHE (just attend the ward one when I'm not working) but after listening to you I think it would be fun to see what I could come up with.

  3. can plan some fhe's for us any time! we had one last night - quick story on the restoration, my goodness, it was a few minutes tooo long and it was only like 3 minutes!

  4. Sounds like everyone had a blast! Good job!

  5. You have inspired me to make a more dilligent effort in my FHE planning. That night sure looks like a lot of fun! We'll have to borrow some of your ideas.

  6. There is no doubt that your family has a lot more fun than our family did while you were growing up. I am always impressed by the time you take to do fun things (like the crazy wigs on St. Patrick's day). I wish it had been the other way around, and I had been your daughter, instead of you being mine!

  7. You are so awesome!!! We had so much fun at your house. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! You know how to entertain any age! We love you guys and we have a lot of fun being with you!
