Sunday, March 22, 2009

Things I'm Going To Tell You

I was going to title this post "Things You Should Know", but really you don't need to know any of this stuff. These things are just on my mind, and I want to write them down.

I started my period yesterday (first one since Daisy). I'm putting this one first because I am SURE many of you did NOT want to know that (especially if there are any male readers—although this should get rid of them for good).

I don't like cramps. Aren't they supposed to be better after having kids and by better I mean, less pain?

I took Tylenol twice today and that is taboo in my book.

Pain makes me cranky.

I don't like to be cranky because I don't think my children deserve it, or my husband for that matter.

Tyler especially thinks that women should not be allowed an "excuse" to be cranky every month, but he tries not to mention this too often, especially during that time of the month.

If I am feeling cranky, I should NOT go read NieNies Dialogues, because she is probably the most perfect, generous, self-sacrificing woman on the planet who has been through so much that a few cramps seem measly in comparison. And she seems to be only sweetness and light to her children and husband.

Reading her blog did not help my guilt about being cranky at all. I really do believe that every one has bad days where they get cranky with their children...except maybe NieNie.

So once again, I am writing this stuff down so that maybe I can remember that life is not about wallowing in one's pain and that I can decide to be a good mom even when I don't feel like it.

I just ate some jello...that should help.


  1. Heating pads and Motrin are my best friends at that time. (otherwise I would be throwing up from the pain)Gotta love being a woman!

  2. I totally recomment FemRelief. They are like little drops of heaven when you have cramps! And I sometimes get annoyed when people think it's ok for them to be cranky just because they are on their period, but then when it comes time for me to be on my period, being cranky seems almost justifiable! Don't feel bad for being cranky with your kids. They may not get it now, but soon enough all 4 of your girls will understand the crankiness! (Things to look forward to...)

  3. Thanks Kayla...things to look forward to.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As for the NieNie dialogues, everyone should be REQUIRED to read her blog and Cjane's blog too. I am grateful for what they share with all of us. The thing is that they are 100% completely genuine--what you see is what you truly get. When I first met CJane--I knew that she was one of the most influential people in my life!! I don't think that their blogs should make us feel guilty--but should inspire us to do the best we can--with the resources that we have.

  6. Pain makes me cranky too, although I don't always associate the two at the time. ("What? I'm in a bad mood because you're being a freaking moron, that's why!")

  7. Ditto the heating pads and Motrin. And sorry, Tyler, but we do have 3 of us with hormonal fluctuations, and as any woman who had roommates can tell you, it all happens at once. Super fun.

  8. So funny that you blogged about this...I thought about it the other day, but decided I wouldn't. I too ditto the heating pad and Motrin. I am sooo blessed to have a hubby that is very understanding of that time of the month for me (and he had no prior experience seeing any woman go through this because he had no sisters). I really do get EXCRUCIATING pain (almost debilitating), so much so that I throw up. In High School I just thought this was normal for all women, but friends would tell me it wasn't -- they only had minor cramps, not the kind that required 3 Ibuprofen every 6 hours. I feel a little bad at those times when I get cranky, but I don't feel guilty (I think theres a difference). I think if any man had the chance to live in our shoes for that time of the month, they'd be THRILLED to be a man! Just my two cents worth.
