Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Fortune Cookie

In class, our next assignment was to open a fortune cookie, read the fortune and then go take a picture that seemed fitting.

My fortune said,

Your luck is about to change.

This is what I came up with.

And this one.

I particularly like the first one because June holds her bear like that all the time and strokes his nose before putting it in her mouth (I can't tell you how disgusted I am by that.) But now I have documented proof of what I see all the time.

And then here is a fun one with Ivory, because naturally when I finish an assignment, I fill up the rest of the roll with pictures of my kids.

And I was so much happier with this roll of film. It was not overexposed (although I still think it wasn't my fault about the last one) and the pictures are so much better.

And lest you think that I love my kids more than my spouse, I need to state here that I DO take pictures of Tyler as well, but I haven't been allowed to show one yet. The first one I developed was of him on the toilet with the dog on his lap (totally hilarious...perhaps not blog appropriate). Then with my fortune cookie, I took one of him lifting his shirt; ya know...like getting lucky (totally HOT, but also not the most appropriate for the blog). Don't get me wrong, these pictures are still ones I would hang in my house and let my children see—they are not bad pictures. I just need to maintain his wholesome image.

p.s. For the record that mirror was really hard to break. Dropping it didn't do the job at all! I had to take a sharp pair of pliers and smash it five times before I got the desired result. I am not sure if it is because it is one of those magnifying mirrors instead of a regular one or what? Do you still have bad luck when you break a mirror on purpose?


  1. I love looking at your pictures! The one of Ivory is really cute :) I still think you should post some pictures of Tyler it would be extremely hilarious!

  2. I love those pictures. The ones with June and the mirror are kind of intense (not the exact word I am thinking of, but it would do). And the one of Ivory is too funny. You have quite the talent for telling a story in your pictures.

  3. You are so creative and fun! Your pictures look adorable!... Although, it would be fun to see those of Tyler too... Hee Hee Hee!

  4. I love your pictures they are so awesome!! You have a natural talent for it!

  5. Those are really great pictures Maleen. I think you should post the ones of Tyler.

  6. You are so great at taking pictures! I really like the first one. I think it's cute with her holding her bear. I've noticed that your pictures really do get across the point that you want, so good job! :D

  7. Look lady, you just absolutely crack me up! Breaking a mirror on purpose? You are very brave and not posting pics of Ty so you can maintain his wholesome...what was it again? lol...Hugs to you!
