Monday, March 9, 2009

I Think the Camera Knows When I Haven't Showered

My kids are all at a good age right now that I can usually get a shower when I need one.

Today was not one of those days.

And that's okay. I didn't really go anywhere, except Tyler's work and I think all the guys there have seen me at varying degrees of hideousness (and the bonus is that if I am not wearing make-up, people just think I am sick and I just don't disagree with them).

I will still run errands in all my un-showered glory, and go volunteer at school, or open the door to people who randomly stop by—I'm not THAT self conscious. However, I do not like pictures taken of me when I look nasty. Why? Why not take one on a day I look good, like yesterday? Or tomorrow? It seems the camera only points at me when I have been too busy to make myself presentable. It's no wonder that I look back through our photo albums and think, It's a good thing that I usually take the pictures around here.

Now this is not saying that I don't clean up well. On a good day I would call myself fairly attractive. But where is the camera THOSE days? Case in point tonight...

Tyler randomly picks up my camera and starts snapping photos. Does he normally do this? No. I think the camera knew that I was feeling unkempt and it called to Tyler, "Go take pictures of her now and we can torture her later by making her look at them."

And as I repeatedly dodged the camera, Tyler would say things like, "I don't think you realize how cute you are?" Thanks hun...but guess what? You aren't my worst critic...I am.

Here's to getting over my fear. Who cares if I have the stringy-hair-make-up-from-yesterday-haven't-brushed-my-teeth-today look. This is to document for posterity that I am indeed a mother...who sometimes misses her shower.

On the plus side, today I...

Made pancakes and eggs for breakfast

Read over an hour to my children

Did three loads of laundry

Made a cake from scratch for no reason other than that is what Robyn wanted for FHE treat

Took Tyler lunch at work

Bathed one child

Tickled all children

Played several games

Read a chapter to myself

Baked a chicken for dinner (feeding the whole family for less than $5)

Not bad eh? So maybe I will shower less often. Wait, that is not the answer. I just need to hide the camera those days.


  1. Isn't that how it goes, though? I always seem to get a lot done on the non-showering days, but good grief, I hate not having showered. I guess I'll have to strike a happy medium somehow. And trust me, you really do look great.

  2. It is always good to know it happens to other moms too! I do like the list of things that you put at the bottom, because sometimes playing with the kids is more important!

  3. I love hearing things that other moms do that I sometimes feel guilty not having the time to shower. Today was one of those days for me...started off we had an appt. to be at early this morning, and it just never got done. We had social workers come over and all, but Mark said "who cares, you don't need to impress them" - I was glad to at least get the reassurance from him! And you look fine in the pics!
