Sunday, March 8, 2009

Stupid Weather

I looked outside today and said, "Stupid weather," and June asked "Why?"

Well, the weather report said it was supposed to rain and snow, so I didn't plan to get anything done like working in the garage or working on the garden spot. So, for the record, I am loving the weather, but I haven't taken full advantage of it.

Instead, my weekend had other things in it, like...

Grapefruit. It is so fresh and light when it comes right out of the fridge. My kids love it (minus the one who despises fruit in general).

Ivory up to her usual antics. She is my shopper on Saturdays when I go grocery shopping. On the way over, she said from the back seat, "Let's play hide and seek!" I was going to point out that we were in the car and that wasn't the best place to play, but before I could, she said, "You count, I hide!" and she clapped her hands over her eyes (she still believes that if she can't see you, you can't see her). How can you argue with that? So we played all the way to the store (I found her every time—at least every time she took her hands off her eyes.

More picture taking. I took a lot of black and whites and I even took the kids to develop them. They enjoyed the dark room. The good news is that the film was properly exposed this time so they shouldn't be as light of grainy as the last ones (I personally think something was wrong with the developer last time since everyone's pictures turned out weird). And then I had to use my digital camera too, so it doesn't get jealous (I might have to name this camera, I love it so). Here is my favorite for the week.

A date with Tyler. He randomly told me Saturday afternoon that we should go to dinner and the temple that night. Well, I am not one to say no to a hot date, so off we went. We had a great evening together. I still think he is the best person to hang out with; we laugh constantly.

Grandpa's birthday. Ty's dad does NOT like birthdays (something about bad experiences with them), so he tries to ignore them. So we considerately called up and wished him a happy DAY—that's all.

So, it has been a great weekend...even with the stupid weather.


  1. Everyone keeps telling me that the weather is supposed to be bad-but I have yet to see it!

    I totally think you should name your camera.

  2. Weathers weird in washington It snowed this morning then the sun came out and melted almost everything. Now its hailing. Weathers weird here!

  3. I agree that the weather is stupid, but that's just because I'm looking out the window right now and it's snowing. Grr! By the way, I love the picutre. Your kids are so stinkin cute!
