Sunday, March 15, 2009

It Takes a Special Kind

My name is Maleen and I'm a Wal-mart shopper. I am not thrilled about it, but you can't beat the prices or location for us. One of the reasons I do not like it, manifested this week. I took out the bread a few days after shopping and I could already see huge green patches of mold through the plastic.
I decided to return it right away since it hadn't hit the expiration date. I sent Tyler since I was busy with the kids and this is the conversation he had.

Tyler plops the bread on the counter at Customer Service.

Customer Service Man looks at the bread for a moment and then asks, "What's wrong with it?"

Tyler (thinking that the man must need glasses if he can't see the mold growing on it) says politely, "It's expired."

Customer Service Man: "Let me check."

He then turns the bag over and upon finding the expiration date says, "Nope, it doesn't expire until tomorrow."

Well in that case, let me take that back and make some peanut butter and mold sandwiches.

Do you think that guy still drinks chunky milk if it hasn't passed the expiration date?


  1. I am telling you Target is where it is at and as for food, the prices are the same or better. (the target brand stuff is awesome and so cheap you can't be $1.50 for a box of cereal). I think one of my goals in life it convert everyone to Target shopping. I just have a huge love for Target : ) On another hand I have heard the Smiths has some amazing prices but I still haven't tried shopping there.

  2. He did end up showing the guy the mold spots and returning it, right? The fact that it is THAT moldy BEFORE the expiration date says even more about it, I think. I do LOVE Target too, but Walmart is usually better about returns. That makes me so mad when I get bread that goes moldy right away AND before the expiration date.

  3. My brother once found a band aid in a package of hamburger buns. The customer service guy kindly offered him a new bag of hamburger buns for his trouble.

  4. Sometimes I don't understand customer service people! That bread looks delish!
