Saturday, March 14, 2009


Many of you have been geocaching before. We discovered this sport last fall and went out several times (not blogged about because Tyler wanted to do it. He never did, so I am filling you all in now).

Naturally over the winter there wasn't much going on, but at the request of our Leprechaun (sorry—that's a different post), we went out today, once again.

This one wasn't too hard to find, although I have to say that I HATE burrs. They are so hard to get out of hair!! Robyn had some on her socks (annoying, but okay) but it wasn't until late in the afternoon that I found five in a nest that used to be Ivory's hair. Poor girl, but she was so patient while I took them out.

Anyway, I digress...

...we found the cache fairly quickly, and we exchanged our treasures (we have had a travel bug all winter and I am very thankful to be rid of it—the guilt was eating away at me). June is very serious about hunting; check out this face.

But her perseverance paid off.

Ivory was a good little looker too, and even Daisy joined in on the fun (much more alert than previous quests—then again, she was only a couple months old then).

Next, I thought we might snap a few pictures at this old wood stand that was in the middle of nowhere. Tyler thinks it was made for shooting clay pigeons (I'll buy that).

We took a few photos,

then loaded back in the car. It was down at Utah Lake, so not a long drive by any means. We arrived back home in record time only to realize we had left the dog behind.

Poor Moxy. Can you imagine how she must have felt watching the van drive away?

We obviously piled back in the car and quickly drove back to the scene of the crime to find her. And there she was standing at the top of the structure. I think she was up there trying to get a better vantage point of where we went. We were all very relieved to see her (yes, even me).

But this was a great time to teach the children a lesson, so we talked about what you do when you get lost. You stay in the same place, so people can find you. Man, I hope I never leave a kid somewhere.

This here picture is proof that I did try to keep track of the dog for a while, with a leash, but Tyler prefers letting her roam free because she is pretty good about staying close by.

Now we just need to train her to get in the car when everyone else does. (This is actually funny to me because when I go pick up Robyn from school, Moxy hates to be left in the kennel, so if I open the car door, she is usually the first inside hoping that I will let her go for the ride. She must have been distracted by the lake and all the new smells.)

Lastly, here are a few picture from our previous caches back in September.

Lastly, lastly...I love this picture, with Ivory's polka dot unders showing. It reminds me that she is indeed fully potty trained (again).


  1. Poor dog! I don't even like dogs and I felt bad for the thing. geo- caching- probably not my thing. But maybe when the kids get older because yours seemed to really enjoy it!

  2. Cute pics! Sad for your little Mox though!

  3. I loved these pictures!!! I do agree with Vieve--sad for little Mox!!
