Thursday, March 12, 2009

Number Two

Number two is NOT number one.

Number two is NOT second in command.

Number two gets less hours with the parents (I read a whole article on this).

Number two is often a middle child.

Number two gets to do everything SECOND.

Number two doesn't know life without an older sibling.


Number two is NOT loved less.

Sometimes I feel like I spend a LOT of time with June since she is doing and learning new things. And let's be honest, June demands more attention and likes to play games while Robyn is fairly content to play by herself.

Ivory is very attached and will follow me around the house, and of course Daisy needs plenty of attention. And then there is Robyn. She plays well with all her sisters. She follows the dog around and hugs on her. She watches movies and plays on the computer and helps when she is asked. I never forget she is there, but I also know that I can focus on other kids and she will do fine by herself. I worry that I am not being a good mom. I hope she doesn't feel neglected or un-loved.

I was a number TWO Robyn.

So was your Dad.

We understand.

And just so you know...

You are number ONE in my book.


  1. I was also number two in my family, and I don't feel like I was ever unloved. I'm sure she knows she is very loved by you and Tyler - you are a good mom. Sounds like she has a pretty independent personality anyways. Cute post!

  2. I am number 2 also, and I think I was alot like Robin. I was quiet and content usually and just did what I could to help or hung out by myself finding things to entertain me. But I guarantee that she feels like she is loved by both her parents. I always felt loved even though I was second (well third considering Shelby). It's tough sometimes, but it has alot of benefits. She can learn from June and be able to be an example to the younger ones. I'm sure you guys are great parents and she recognizes it! Keep up the good work! :D

  3. What a sweet post about your number two! A lot of what you described sounds like my number two. Maybe there's something to the birth order thing after all!

  4. Maleen, that was so sweet! I also have a "number two", and he is so easy and nice... I call him my "calm in the storm". Like Robyn, he doesn't require much time. But I too, feel bad that he gets the lesser of my attention. So here is hoping that all of those "number twos" out there feel loved and special... Because they are!!! (by the way I am a number five out of eight...ouch)

  5. This has nothing to do with the post but all your girls are so pretty and photogenic.

  6. I wish that my number 2 was more like that, but I still love mine :) You really are lucky to have such great girls.

  7. That was very sweet. You are a great mom.

  8. I'm number 6 and when you're this far down, I feel pretty confident you're loved less. Just because parents are so tired by the time they get here!

  9. I am a number 2, too!!! But, I am the only girl so, I really have not felt unloved. In fact, I think that I got away with a lot more than my brothers. HEE HEE Anyway, I think your number is absolutely adorable!!
