Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Makes You Want to Kiss Her Right Under Her Chin, or Not

Warning: GRATUITOUS BABY PHOTOS (and we are going with the 'given without payment' definition vs. the 'uncalled for' definition, because who DOESN'T want to see more pictures of my baby?). Oh, and if you are that one imaginary person who DOESN'T want to see pictures of my baby, I guess you can stop reading now. The rest of you...enjoy.

There was a purpose to all the photo taking today (unlike those other days where I just take photos because 1) I like my new camera and 2) my baby is cute). Yep, today's purpose was to document the amount of saliva that comes out of that little mouth. IT IS INCREDIBLE. The spitting is one thing. I HATE IT. My carpet is now all fun shades of orange and green (curse you peas and carrots).

But the drool is something totally new to me. It is almost non-stop. I watch the color of her onesie change as she soaks the front of herself and then I will finally change her when the weight of the drool is literally pulling down her onesie and her entire chest is glossy and wet. So gross.

I had just finished putting her in a new onesie when I decided to document the drool. So, here it is (in all its glory). You have to remember that I only spent a few minutes photographing her and by the end you can see the color starting to change on her onesie and the gloss is creeping under her chin. She will love me when I show these pictures to her boyfriends.

And then I threw these in because she is starting to think about crawling. She can now roll from her back to her stomach and then scoot backwards until she is sitting up like here.

Ta Da!! And she is really cute in her leggings.


  1. I second the notion: there is SO much drool. I like the leggings though. They're cute. Well, she's cute. You know, only babies can get away with that whole drool thing. Can you imagine if someone grown up were to walk around with their shirt soaked with drool? Only babies can pull that off.

  2. Looks so familiar! All my babies were major drool babies. My brother quickly learned one important lesson with my kids: NEVER hold them up over your head in a Superman pose. You will regret it.

    Those leggings are soooo cute!!

  3. She is so cute, even with all the drool.

  4. Yeah, I hated the drool. But I love the tie dye!

  5. Such a cutie!

    I love those little stripey leggings. Is she teething or just drooling as usual?

  6. Her cheeks still look plenty kissable! Her leggings are darling. I can't wait to see if my little guy can pull off the (manly camo) leggings look! She really is a cutie.

  7. Babys are fun, cute, and gross all at the same time.

  8. I HOPE she's teething because maybe that means that it will go away after, but it is not likely. I don't see any sign of teeth.

  9. I love how you captured the drool in the pictures. I think that it looks cool!!

  10. It is all too familiar to me...Anthony drooled LIKE CRAZY! He was usually wearing a bib, so I felt like his super cute shirts were going to waste because they were always covered up by a bib. I finally just got some cute bibs...Seagull Book has some cute ones - we got a "I am a Child of God" one, and "Families are Forever" one. I thought he would never stop drooling, but luckily he did...but I don't think his was from teething, although you can still hope!

  11. Wow, that is a lot of drool, amazing. Great pics. I love the leggings too.

  12. That is a lot of freaking drool, holy crap. I'm loving those tiny leggings.
