Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Wearing o' the Green

So St. Patrick's is here again. However, at our house, it has been non-stop Leprechauns since the first of March. Seamus McDermott, our resident Leprechaun, mentioned to us that he might be moving to a new family, unless we could prove our worth. He gave us puzzles and assignments to fill each day and we earned Leprechaun points and colored in pieces of our clover. Lucky for us, we filled the entire thing before March 17th, and he decided that he would be staying with our family for good.


Pretty huh?

So last night, we filled up our pot of gold for Seamus (who we really can claim as ours now).

Since we stuck the coins on our foreheads last year it seemed fitting that we do it again, but this time we added a wish.

In the morning, Seamus left some fun stuff for us. The girls all wore their green hair and necklaces throughout the day.

Robyn wore hers to her Spring Program in Pre-school. She did a great job singing all the songs. Here she is singing that song that goes, If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops, Oh what a rain it would be...There are in the midst of the Ah ah-a-ah ah-a-ah ah-a-ah part.

She loves school so much, not to mention her teacher Miss Mackenzie.

Ivory loves going for the cookies at the end. She knew right away when we got there how these programs end (funny duck).

Daisy...did wear green until she spit up all over herself (like usual), but I think she was less than impressed by her first St. Patrick's Day.

Just you wait Daisy, you will love the wearing o' the green as much as the rest of us.

Cute Moments:

June asking if every house had a Leprechaun. When I told her "No" she said, "Then our house is special." Yep, it sure is June.

Seamus left two necklaces for each girl; one pink, one green. Ivory told me she was wearing the green one because it wasn't Pink Patrick's Day yet.


  1. Join us to make Earth a better place to your kids " ^^
    Visit my blog! theere you can find petitions for Global Warming, Enviroment, Animal Rights, Rescue Animals, and ETC!^^

  2. What fun traditions you guys have...your girls will always remember them! Only one we've made so far is corned beef and cabbage, but even that one got away from us this year because I had R.S. birthday dinner tonight, but when Sunday comes....yummy!

  3. miss mackenzie looks to be about 14. i feel old. cute traditions. i'm irish/scottish and we do NOTHING. i blame my laziness.

  4. Pink Patrick's Day! I love it!

  5. Where do you come up with these ideas. Way fun. I loved the green hair.

  6. Cool, saint patricks day is great, of course I found myself getting pinched left and right. I dont own green clothing. :p

  7. You guys go totally out for holidays, I love it!
