Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday is a Special Day

Saturday is a wild card for me. Sometimes we get nothing done and sometimes it is the most productive day of the week since we are all home. I never really know which it will be. I always want to get something done, but whether that happens is up to fate.

Today was a great day though. Don't you feel stupendous when you get things checked off your list?

Shopping. Check.

Made muffins and attended a ward activity. Check.

Went with Tyler and helped him pick out new glasses. Check.

Did not watch children as closely as I could have, but we bandaged all hurt ankles caused by jumping off waiting room stools. Check.

Dropped off a library book. Check.

Bought a gift and sent oldest to birthday party. Check.

This came back home. She had fun. Check.

Dug and fertilized my strawberry bed. Check.

Bandaged blistered hands. Check.

Made several stinkin' cute Easter baskets. Check.

Let Tyler go play computer games for four hours today (read: I was a good wife). Check.

Made him watch Chic Flic in the evening—Fireproof. Check.

Only cried a little bit. Check.

I would say that makes for a pretty good Saturday. Check.


  1. Brought home a peach Fresca for the wife (read: I am a good husband). Check!

  2. How did you make those cute Easter baskets? Adorable! Also, how did you like Fireproof? We have heard of it and have been thinking of watching it, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

  3. Does sound like a productive day! I was just thinking pretty much the same thing earlier...last week was maybe not quite as productive, today was more productive than last Saturday. I too was wondering what you guys thought of Fireproof. I had heard it was good, so we rented it last week. We thought it was a good movie, although Mark mentioned that it was a little bit of taking the philosophies of men and mixes scriptures in with them. Good movie nonetheless. Those Easter baskets are so cute!

  4. Those Easter baskets are adorable. I love how creative you are. I also love the rockstar girl! :D Looks like a fun party.
    I totally need your opinion of Fireproof. I've been wanting to watch it I think, but I alsywas like to know what other people thought too. Did you like it? You cried, so it can't all be bad. :P
    I wish my day (or even week for that matter) was as productive. I slept, and worked...ALL WEEK! Being sick really is exhausting!

  5. Wait until we're visiting - I'll bet we'll put a cramp in your productivity!

  6. I really enjoyed Fireproof. It was a bit churchy, but it wasn't LDS; I think it was Catholic, or Baptist. The message was definitely great, but it still felt like it was missing some key elements like the temple.
    Still, I would HIGHLY recommend the movie. Some really great values in a world of value-less media.

  7. I love days like that! You are dead tired by the end, but you feel so good at what you accomplished!

  8. That's a crazy busy Saturday! Way to finish so many things!

  9. I love list making, it makes me feel so productive. I was going to go to that ward activity, my mom wanted us to come and now that I've heard about your muffins, I wish I would have.
    But just so I can feel productive, I must say that those Easter baskets are awesome and totally cute, what a great mother you are...
    (compliment friend on creativity and mothering skills...Check)

  10. How did you make those baskets? Were they difficult or easy? They are adorable!!

  11. that makes for a very busy saturday. i didn't even see mention of "take a nap! check!" in there!

  12. Ah...napping. That is for sissies, or people without kids.
