Thursday, March 26, 2009


Yay, it's another print day in class, so that means more black and white photos for you to view.

This next assignment was Spooky. I wasn't sure what I was going to take pictures of, but I ended up with a whole roll so I guess it wasn't too hard. The word 'spooky' is so relative anyway. These may seem spooky to some of you, or maybe just creepy or weird. Or maybe none of those things. Pictures speak differently to each person anyway. Okay, blah, blah, blah...let's see some pictures already.

I have always been a little frightened of the underside of a freeway overpass (I thought of you, Michelle). I don't mind them when you can stop underneath for a moment (IN THE CAR) and get out of the sun or rain for two seconds, but the thought of walking underneath, especially at night, creeps me out. So I went out to conquer those fears, and I took Robyn. I love the picture because it reminds me how small we are and how easily we can be swallowed up in space. Oh, and the bird droppings are yucky/interesting to me too. Robyn just crawled right up there, silly girl (it's pretty steep).

I have found that I really like broken windows—not sure why. I ran out of film before I found this awesome jagged window, so this one will have to do until I can get back there.

As for spooky, this is probably as close as I can get and I will probably turn these in on Tuesday.

Yes, it is just chocolate syrup and because I know that, they don't seem as spooky to me. I kind of just want to lick the knife.

This last one is an old silo of sorts. I pass it all the time near the freeway. I don't know if it is spooky necessarily, but it is interesting and I love the texture of the building that is in focus with it.

There are a couple more that I want to print, but I didn't have time today. I really love this class...I will be sad when it is over because when will I ever get to develop and print my own pictures again? I need to figure out the black and white setting on my new camera because I am kind of in love with black and white now.


  1. I love the pictures and what a fun class indeed! I love that you want to lick the chocolate syrup off of the creepy pictures. So funny.

  2. Your picture with Robyn under the freeway pass--it too creepy for me!!! I think it worse than the knife and the chocolate syrup.

  3. The chocolate sauce one is kind of freaky and definitely spooky. I don't quite get why underpasses are spooky. You've got to explain that one to me.

  4. Good looking pictures! I especially like the chocolate sauce-d knife!
