Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Calgon Take Me Away

Ridiculous amounts of snow AND tax day. What did we do to deserve this?

And therefore I will bring back sweet memories of Easter. Okay, I am really behind, so bear with me as we revisit last weekend.

I had a great idea to do our Easter egg hunt Friday night since it seemed that Saturday was going to be a little drippy. The girls went to a birthday party and that gave my mom and me time to hide the eggs. Our backyard is getting a little small for five people to go hunting, so I had the brilliant idea to go hide them around the church. I hope this isn't against any church rules. I think it worked rather well. There is enough perimeter that everyone could search independently and I figured if we missed any eggs, some churchgoer was bound to find them later.

Our three oldest went hunting, but we sent Tim and my Dad in as well.

My Dad is still a kid at heart and we needed someone to find all the hard ones, right? Everyone did a great job. Ivory would get so excited to show us each thing she found...we had to keep reminding her to go find some more.

Here is June searching with a jaw-breaker in her mouth. Classic June, down to the mussed hair.

This year, I added some camouflage eggs.

They were awesome; really hard to spot. I put dollar bills in them, and one had a five dollar bill. When everyone was done hunting, I assembled the troops and told them that we needed to make sure that we had all 8 camouflage eggs (I don't mind leaving candy for other people to find, but we better get all the money). Everyone searched their buckets and in all, they had only found 3! (June found two, and Dad found one). I (who had hid them) scanned the area and led individual hunters to certain spots. In the end, everyone had at least one camouflage egg. Ivory was our big winner; she found the five.

My Dad said he could get on board with Easter Eggs filled with money. He found several with coins and went away with over 5 dollars himself.

After we found 'all' the eggs, I gave each of the girls their Easter dress. Look at them dutifully closing their eyes, waiting. Cute.

I say 'all' the eggs, because when we got home, I didn't see all the eggs. I didn't count them, but we did get some fun sea eggs and they weren't all there. My mom and dad went back and found 8 more; some in very obvious places. This doesn't surprise me too much. Sometimes you miss something right in front of your face. Take this picture for instance. Can you find the egg? Click on it to make it larger.

In that picture, we were talking about the camouflage eggs and everyone had been by that spot several times and no one saw that silly egg up on the wall. Robyn finally spotted it. Smarty.

I'm hoping all the fun we had that night made up for the fact that I totally spaced what time the Vineyard Hunt was the next morning. I thought it was at nine previous years, but I looked online and it said ten o'clock. So we showed up late and I took home sad girls with empty buckets. So future year when you can't remember, look back, read this post, and think NINE, NINE, NINE!!!

And there you have it. Now I will go back to cursing the blasted snow. Come on, it's April! AND Spring break. Maybe tomorrow we will go to the library. That is indoors.


  1. YES! Im the first one to post a comment! That piture of me is really bad- I need a haircut!=0!

  2. Sounds like fun! I've always wanted to have an Easter egg hunt!
