Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Few Beautiful Things I Saw Today

I woke up to a beautiful sight. Everything was coated in white. It was amazing.

Too bad it sucked; it being April and all. Whatever, it's Utah...need I say more?

So we went and did something indoors. We got pictures taken. Daisy needed a sitting up shot, although I am a little late, because she also stands now with some assistance.

Robyn's birthday is rapidly approaching so we snuck her 5 year old picture in early.

I like both of these, but this may be the last time I use Kiddie Kandids. Then again, you can't beat the FREE birthday photos, so I probably just told a lie.

They are both cuties though. And it did warm my heart that Daisy wouldn't really smile for the camera lady, but whenever she looked at me, she would beam. Hey, those are the perks of motherhood, right?


  1. Very nice pictures, but the snow? Not so much. We have broken tree limbs at our house. Very sad over here.

  2. SNOW!SNOW! I wish we had some here in WA.

  3. CUTE PICTURES! I love your girls. And the snow was beautiful, but so sad to wake up to on April 15. *sigh* On the plus side, according to the weather man, it should be close to 75 degrees on Tuesday! HORRAY bring on the warm weather.

  4. Precious, sweet girls! They are just darling.
