Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter or Lent

How cool is that picture that Tyler Photoshopped together for me?

You may have noticed that one is missing, but that is what I want to talk to you about. I have all these pictures that I need to post about Easter but my mind is somewhere else. I am thinking about my littlest angel (the one NOT pictured).

You see, I didn't buy Daisy a new Easter dress because we have so many hand me down dresses that would work just fine. But that shouldn't stop me from taking pictures, right?

Well, she tends to spit up on whatever she is wearing so I didn't dress her until right before church and by the time church was over, her dress smelled like vomit, as did Tyler and I.
She spits a lot. A. LOT. But today was even worse and most of it was more throw-up than spit-up (if you are wondering what the difference is, your nose would tell you).

Right before church, she ate some cheese and I think it didn't agree with her. This isn't the first time I have been suspicious of dairy, so it is time that I take matters into my own hands and try an experiment. No dairy for Daisy for a week. This really means no dairy for ME for a week.

Now I love my baby and I really want her to feel better (and less of that vomit smell would be a bonus too), but I am terrible about curbing my dietary habits.

When Ivory was a baby and she had eczema, the doctors told me that if I cut all dairy out of my diet while I was nursing, that might help her skin condition. Yep, I decided that finding a good topical cream was our best bet, because I wasn't about to give up milk, cheese, or ice cream (HELLO!)

But this is more serious and perhaps I have matured a smidge. I really need to know if dairy is a factor in her spitting problem. So this time I am giving up dairy—for a week. Part of me really hopes there is no connection, because the next step would be to decide whether to keep nursing while remaining dairy free. I think I have the self control...but it is really hard to find recipes to feed my family that don't use cheese, or some other dairy product (this should be where I admit that I am not the most healthy cooker—I use an exhorbant amount of cheese).

So wish me luck and all that good stuff.

And please remember that I love all my children the same. See, here is a peace offering. She is cute even without all the Easter dress splendor.

Okay, did anyone else notice that Daisy and dairy are the same word with one letter changed?


  1. good luck with the no dairy--i was lactose intolerant in high school, and it stinks. thankfully it went away....

  2. I'm not sure whether to say 'I hope it works' or 'I hope it doesn't work'. Either way, good luck this week. And yes, she is cute even without the Easter dress splendor. The photo of your older girls is darling! I love the flowers in their hair.

  3. I hope it works for you. Andy was a super spitty baby and the doctor told me that some babies are just like that. (he spit up a lot but it didn't seem to bother him at all) I don't think i would have the self control to give up dairy. When it comes to food I have no self control : ) Oh and in sacrament meeting Andy kept pointing to your girls and commenting on their "pretty flowers in her hair". They looked so cute!

  4. Cute pics! And I'm glad you named her "Daisy", not "Dairy". It's much nicer sounding. :)

  5. not to rain on your already sad parade, but to truly eliminate dairy, you need to be off it for a full month before your (and her) system will be clean of it... however, i think that you should be able to tell if it's helping at least within a week. at least, i would think so.

    also, have you tried any reflux meds for her?

  6. She doesn't seem to have acid reflux (meaning she doesn't seem to hurt when she spits up, she never cries at least).
    And yes, the doctor did mention that at least TWO weeks would be a better estimate of whether the NO dairy would help. Bummer.

  7. Your girls looked so cute for Easter! I wish I would have had more time to do cute hair, but allas, our church is at 9 am.
