Friday, April 10, 2009

In Case You Were Wondering

June had a homework assignment due this week. She was supposed to make a color book. Her job was to choose colors and then illustrate and write a short sentence about them such as "An apple is red."
We lost her little stapled book, so this morning I told her to quickly grab a piece of paper and draw three things. She came back with this:

A pig is pink

A frag is green

I turned the paper over, saw her third object, and laughed out loud.

I said, "June, what is that?"
"It's a Kart."
(Pointing to the 'K' disguised as an 'F') "Is that a K?"

So there you have it folks, a Fart is Silver. You should watch out for those, especially at the grocery store. I hear those shopping KFarts are the worst.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I'm sure she tried so hard and probably thought you were crazy for not knowing what she meant! :D
