Thursday, April 9, 2009

Senior Pranks

My family is staying with us for a few days. I love having them here, but it certainly throws off my schedule. Really this just means that I don't have as much time on the computer so when I get back to Google Reader it has 60 or so unread messages. However, I am aware that family is more important than blogging...sometimes.

I had to take a break and record this moment because it made me laugh so.

My Dad is constantly teasing Tim. It helps that Tim is scared of a LOT of things, thus making it much easier to scare him. My Father purchased a fake rattlesnake and thought it would be humorous to put it in Tim's suit case. He pulled me aside at one point and opened the lid of a blue suitcase just a tad and said, "Look in here." *Note, the snake is not pictured in the suitcase here.

Odd, I thought; Grandpa is showing me a snake in his suitcase...he does buy weird things. And the thought left my mind.

Later, I heard Grandpa say, "Well, I probably should tell you Tim that I have a little surprise for you, so don't freak out and start screaming."
Tim, who is accustomed to such pranks, immediately started freaking out anyway and asking what is was and where it was. The level of anxiety was increasing at a rapid rate, so I decided to take the suspense out of the equation.

"Tim, Grandpa hid a snake in your suitcase." And then all the pieces came quickly together in my mind, and I turned to my Dad and asked, "But isn't this Tim's suitcase" (pointing to a black suitcase by the couch).

"Oh yeah," Dad mumbled. "I hid the snake in my own suitcase."

Senior moments...gotta love 'em.