Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Other Distractions

In Idaho when Ivory wasn't getting hurt, she was lugging around the new addition.

In fact, everyone had their turn to cuddle with...

...well, the dog doesn't have a name. Yet.

She is darn cute though. I admit that I had my turn snuggling on her. She is all fluff. I think she weighs about a pound. She is just what a puppy should be—adorable.

Rozzlyn took a turn cuddling with a different somebody.

Daisy was not sure about the whole thing, but she loved Rozzy's necklace, so she was satisfied to sit still for a moment. You really should click on the picture and see how incredibly long Rozzy's lashes are. I am not a BIT jealous.

Lastly, Daisy spent some time in the jumper seat. She enjoyed it well enough, but she had even more fun when Ivory would come along and bounce her. Then Ivory would swing along with her and hang from the straps. It all looked very precarious, but all I heard was a bunch of giggling from both parties. The picture cracks me up because in the background you can see Ivory wearing her swimsuit backwards in a most immodest fashion.

We tried to convince her to change it around, but she was sure she wanted to wear it that way (I will have to be more adamant when she is older).


  1. Cute puppies and cuter girls!

  2. That does look like a cute puppy. LOL about the swimsuit on backwards...sooo funny! When she's older I'm sure it'll be a bit more uncomfortable to wear that way!

  3. Is the new addition to your family or Tyler's mom? I can't imagine you having TWO dogs!
