Monday, April 6, 2009

Clutzerella or Tripping Beauty

We have four little princesses in our house, but just because they are cute does NOT mean they come with grace or poise (well, Daisy has some Grace but only because it's her middle name). On the contrary, our girls tend to be a bit clumsy. Yes, I know you will say that all kids are a bit awkward as they grow into their big hands and feet, but my children are remarkably so. June was terrible; she ran into everything and could trip over a line drawn on the sidewalk. Robyn managed to pass through toddler hood without too much incidence...and then along came Ivory. I think she is our worst by far.

She falls out of chairs.
She runs her head into anything that remotely sticks out.
She trips on nothing.
She gets hurt every day (this is NOT an exaggeration).

She cries about everything, so you really have to listen intently to tell whether it is a drama cry or an I'm-in-pain cry. Sometimes it is easy to tell the difference. Like this weekend, when she got this beauty. I heard her from downstairs and knew she meant it.

I don't know how she managed to hit the top of her ear, but it looked pretty painful. I've heard of a black eye, but a black ear?

Only a few hours later, she got hurt while playing in a play area and skinned her cheek somehow.

This was after watching her fall off a chair twice. I had my hands full with Daisy, so Aunt Amber was kind enough to cuddle with her.

I honestly consider tying her down somewhere for her own safety, especially after watching her run her head into the barbeque or pinch her fingers (yet again) in some door. But I can't shield her from life, so I will just plan on packing around a first-aid kit wherever we go.

Let's hope this ungainly portion of life with pass quickly, with few scars.


  1. Poor thing! That ear injury does look painful!

  2. That is too bad. I hope she grows into her poise and grace soon. But I have to say that I like Tripping Beauty better. :)

  3. Ha! Poor little girl. She will grow out of it I am sure!

  4. I never would've thought that there was any kid out there clumsier than Anthony a couple months ago. He too could manage to trip over a line on the floor. One day he tripped in our family room and hit the bridge of his nose on the front, hard part of the couch just beneath the cushions, and got a purple line bruise across the bridge of his nose. I have often wondered if I need to build him a bubble to live in! I think he was going through a growth spurt at the time, because he seems to be better..(crossed fingers). Poor Ivory - the ear definitely looks painful!

  5. My doctor always says that bruises and scrapes are signs of a healthy, active kid. Poor Ivory! It looks like she was the beneficiary of much cuddle time, though. I'm glad you made it back safe and sound.
