Sunday, April 5, 2009

Good News

We are all back safe and sound. Thank you everyone who knew I was going to be out of town for not robbing my house (I should probably be more careful about that kind of stuff). We had a good time and I have some things to mention, but right now I think I will just go to bed.
Really, I don't know why I even got on the computer except that it is habit.
See you tomorrow.

p.s. I stopped by Keri's on the way out and purchased five boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. I think the beast inside is satiated.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you that you got your Girl Scout cookie fix! And so glad that no one robbed your house while you were gone....Mark might have thought about it if we weren't so far away...ha ha j/k! That did not even occur to me until you mentioned it...but I guess we probably should be careful about that, huh? Glad you guys had a good time in good ol' Idaho!
