Friday, April 3, 2009


There are a lot of things I would like to write about at the moment, but I am instead forced to clean my house. Granted I do this everyday, but today is more important because we are leaving for Idaho and there are few things I can't stand more than coming home to a dirty house. June asked why we had to clean up and she was pouting about it. I tried to explain:

How would you like it if I took all the sheets off your bed. Then when you got home in the middle of the night, before you could sleep, you would have to make your bed.

When I get home, I want to relax, and I don't want anything to stand in the way of that. So, I clean now, and you will have to wait for something interesting to read later this weekend; if I'm not too busy having fun. Who am I kidding? We are going to Idaho where there is more snow, and I will be spending the weekend watching Conference; not too much to write home about. Although, I do plan to enjoy conference.

Ug, back to packing and cleaning. At least I have finally talked Tyler into letting us eat out when we leave so there are no dishes to come back to. That gives me a warm fuzzy just thinking about it.


  1. Have fun in Idaho! I wish I were doing something fun this weekend, like anything besides working! :D I will probably be able to catch a little of conference both days so that's good, but other than that it's just me and 911.

    And I'm totally like you...I have to clean before I leave for a trip. I even usually will make sure my bedroom is clean and my bed is made before I start my 4 days at work. I just get too stressed if I don't!

  2. Oh, I hate coming back from anywhere and having to clean AND unpack! Good thoughts on doing the cleaning beforehand.
