Wednesday, April 1, 2009


How did this happen?? Girl Scout Cookie Season is over and I did not get a single box! I never saw anyone selling them. The few people I talked to must have thought I was kidding because they never called me for an order. I am sad. I think there may be a conspiracy between my less than toned stomach and my husband. They are plotting against me. Listen stomach (and husband)...I am in charge. I will eat cookies where I want and when I want. Except maybe Girl Scout Cookies which are gone. Dang it.

Oh, for a minute there I thought I had them outsmarted. I went to a web site and there was a big cookie and it said, "Find Cookies Now!" Ha, Ha, suckers. Too bad when I got there it said, The Girl Scout cookie season for Girl Scouts of Utah has ended.
There is no hope.

They even have a new Daisy shaped cookie.

I could die tomorrow and never get to try one.


  1. I'm so sad for you that you missed the daisy shaped cookie. What a sad day! :D Ok,ok...I'll admit...I did eat some girl scout cookies...3 of them. No joke, just 3. One of our officers had driven past Maceys Grocery store and saw them selling cookies so he stopped and bought a few boxes. He then thought it would help us like him if he brought them up and shared, and guess what?! He was right! Really I just liked the cookies.

  2. ok I have one box of thin mints left to sell if you want it.

    I wont let meg forget you next year.

  3. I wish i would have known you wanted some I saw some cute little girls selling them at the mall a week or so ago. I could have let you know. Sorry, I feel your pain as I am a pregnant woman craving winchells donuts and the closest one is in Vegas.

  4. How sad that you missed the cookies :( you may still be able to buy one of the ice creams in the store...doesn't quite compare, but you'd get the taste, I guess. We bought one box of Samoas and one of Thin Mints this year, and mostly the boys ate them as treats for eating their dinner...I might have consumed about 4 cookies from each box. Hope you can somehow solve your Girl Scout cookie blunder!

  5. We still have Thin Mints and Samoas, but we never saw the new Daisy cookies either.

  6. I think we should have traded places on some of our shopping and outing trips. I couldn't get away from them. I didn't buy a single box because I am one of the few in the world who do not like girl scout cookies.

  7. Who do the girl scouts think they are? They tempt us with their insanely processed, over-priced cookies for like two weeks out of year and then bam! they are gone and we have to crave them for another full year. Last year I missed out on them too, but this year we bought three boxes from a girl who came trapsing around the neighborhood and I couldn't keep David from them. In fact, evidence shows that he consumed the entire box of Samoas in one night. Insane

  8. So sorry for your loss. I tried to hide mine in the freezer to make them last longer, but the kids found them and then it became a race to the finish. I am still convinced that girl scout cookies are an integral part of Satan's plan.

  9. That's sad! PS I tried to order the daisy cookie, and was informed by the little person that they weren't selling those ones in Utah. Psh.
