Friday, April 24, 2009

Mango Madness

Note to Tyler:

Do not shake a baby food jar until completely sure the lid is securely fastened.

Note to Maleen from Tyler:

Please make sure that you tighten the lid on the baby food jars when you put them in the fridge or I can not be responsible for what might happen next time.


  1. LOL, that is funny :) Babyfood facial :)

  2. He is such a good sport. You always have the camera ready too! ;D

  3. My camera battery was actually charging, and I made him sit there while I went to grab it because I didn't want to miss the picture.

  4. We had something similar happen once with an entire jar of mustard. I hadn't put the top on tightly enough, and when Dad dropped it, it sprayed from floor to ceiling - literally. I was at work at the time, but he kindly left it for me to clean up when he got home!
