Sunday, April 26, 2009


Sometimes I get behind (I know this sounds impossible since I blog all the could I possibly get behind?) It does happen. And so I like to squish a few things in one post, like today. I am scrambling to get my head above water, before I sink again.

Ducklings in a row
We had some friends over recently. They were in and out of the house, but right before lunch they all came inside for a moment and there was this really weird cartoon on TV that I had never seen before. It was on PBS so I wasn't concerned, but I turned around to see all the girls lined up.

It was so cute that I had to snap a photo.

Another Rock Star party?
June went to another birthday party and came back in usual June fashion.

You might think that the theme was princess or glitter or something of the sort. was pizza party. They decorated aprons and came home with pizza dough. The glitter...? You got me. The funny thing is, she is very set on the way she does makeup (as witnessed the next day when she did her own makeup again). She puts some in her eyebrows and then some right under her eyes. I definitely think it is time for a makeup tutorial.

Robyn's birthday is tomorrow (hence some of the scrambling because I know I will want to post tomorrow) and Grandma always comes around the kids' birthdays and takes them out. Vicki was up early for Super Cross so she snagged Robyn Saturday morning for some shopping. I think Robyn had a blast. She came home with makeup...real makeup.

Grandma was very worried that I would be upset, but I didn't really care. I feel makeup at this stage is fairly harmless. They put it on and think they look amazing, and I sit there wondering if purple blush will ever be "in." As long as we can steer clear of mascara for a while, I will let them play to their hearts' content.
If you are wondering why I want to stay clear of mascara...I just don't want them poking themselves in the eye yet.

Super Cross
If you have never been to a Super Cross race, it is a blast. You don't even have to know the contestants, or how the races work. It is just plain cool to see these guys on motorbikes race around the track. There was some incredible racing with tense moments and daring passes. It was a bit chilly but it didn't rain on us—BONUS! And I got a date night with Tyler. Need I say more?
BTW, Chad Reed was totally robbed of the win. See how great I am? By the end of the evening, I even knew some of the names. Not just a pretty face, I tell you.


  1. Totally off topic, but seeing the makeup and your Mary Kay logo reminded me. Does Mary Kay still sell nail polish? My sister sold it years ago and that polish lasted forever! It didn't get all goopy or hard like you would expect. Let me know, because I would buy some if they still have it.

  2. Just read your shout out to me on the size 1/2 jeans and you are right, I was saying that! Sorry, I am a majorly behind blogger now. Glad you are back in your skinny jeans and I too hate the tapered leg look. I keep meaning to write a blog about my horror at all the back in style 80's fashions but since I can't even get my Easter pictures up, that might have to wait.
