Monday, April 20, 2009

Skinny Jeans

First off, when I say Skinny Jeans, let's be clear that I am not referring to the atrocious spandex-laden, ankle-hugging, Emo-enhancing fashion statement that is so popular right now. I am not a girl of the sixties, but I will prefer a little flare in my jeans until the day I die. Being completely honest, I have seen some pictures of girls in skinny jeans with cute shoes that don't look too bad; guys however, should be banned from skinny jeans. I can't think of one flattering thing about a pair of skinny jeans on a guy. As for women, since most of us are NOT models, I think the world should avoid them in general.

No, when I refer to 'skinny jeans', I mean the jeans you wear when you are skinny. Having had four children, my waistline has had its ups and downs. After each pregnancy, I dread working my way VERY slowly back to my skinny jeans. I always seem to get there eventually, but there are times that it seems impossible. Daisy is nine months now and I am just seeing light at the end of the tunnel thanks to Wii Fit. This last weekend, I pulled out my size 1/2 pants and they fit... finally. Then I looked at them again and thought, Why in the world was I buying a size 1/2? Even if that was the size of my waist, I am sure that a 3/4 would have fit just as well. And hello, then I don't have to wait a millenium to get back into my pants. Pride back then is causing me despair now.

Side note here. I can almost here you saying, I have ever fit in a 1/2, EVER!! (You know you are saying this Stacy K.) But let's remember that jean sizes vary, and I am pretty sure that these are about the same size as a regular 7/8 (I think companies change the labels just to make you feel better). Add on to that the fact that I am 5' 2" and that I am graced with no chest whatsoever (I barely fit in a B cup), so we each have our different body challenges.

So, no matter how skinny I get this time around, I should probably take into account my future self and the post-pregnancy battle. I think I should buy all my jeans a bit large. After all, why do you think they invented a belt, anyway?


  1. GULP. I gave all my size 0-1-2s away when we moved. Lucas is a year old and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

    And then I realized that I do NOT need to fit into a 0-1-2 to be happy. I'm not overweight. I'm just fine (if a bit fluffy.)

  2. Wear jeans? I don't think I ever have. At least I've never found jeans in a size 72. (Would that be too small for me?) Actually, I only buy clothes about once every two-three years, and I'm almost due. My current clothes are wearing out - literally!

  3. Congratulations! It is a great that I won't know about for quite a while. My skinny jeans are faithfully waiting for me in my closet, and I hope to be in their company at about this time next year.

    p.s. You were right. Just before I read "the" paragraph I was thinking, "I think I may have been a size 1/2 when I was 8 years old or so". I will never aspire to be a size 1/2--mostly because I don't think it is even possible. You work your size very well, and I feel great at my ideal weight. I will have to break out the Wii Fit more often!

  4. How fab for you to fit into the skinny jeans!
