Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Super Bark

We use the K9 web filter at our house. We have had a few problems with it, but overall, it has been a good filter. It conveniently barks at you whenever you come to a site that is inappropriate. It actually barks quite a bit at our house, and I am not really sure why. Sometimes it doesn't like the adds on people's side bars. Often I think it is barking at nothing, because it will bark at night when no one is on the computer. I try to remember to turn the sound down at night before bed, but there have been many nights when I have been awakened by a bark and have gotten up to turn it down.

Robyn even asked me the other night why it barks at night (guess it is loud enough that she hears it too).

Well, one such night, the computer barked at me, and I got up bleary-eyed and turned it down, as usual. Except, in my middle of the night stupor, I turned it the wrong way, so instead of turning it all the way down, I turned it all the way UP. I went back to bed, none the wiser.

Now, have any of you seen Bolt? Cute movie, by the way. In it, he has a super bark that destroys everything in its path. Well, that is about what happened when the K9 filter barked again that evening. I was trying to figure out what the Sam Hill had happened. Was it the train, was it thunder, an earthquake? It slowly dawned on me that I had just heard the filter bark at us at an ear-splitting decibel. Even Tyler who sleeps through everything, rolled over and said, "What was that?"

"We just got super-barked," I said. "You can go back to sleep."


  1. So funny. We just watched that movie for the first time last night, and my 4-year-old LOVED it. We have had a few middle-of-the-night scares from our boys setting the alarm on our stereo when they play with the buttons. Fun, fun!

  2. I haven't seen Bolt, but I want to now! That is awesome that you got your blog published. The question is...What program will you use next time you do your book? I loved using Blurb. Just wondering...

  3. Holy cow, nothing scares me more than when my speakers are turned up louder than I think they are!
