Saturday, May 16, 2009

As if This House Needed More Girly Stuff

Yesterday was Super. This is not describing my mood, which has been in a funk recently, but more the activities involved. See, it was Super Saturday. As always, I signed up for too much, but I couldn't resist; there was so much good stuff.

I made flower clips for the girls.

Now I have a few more things to make my ribbon wall look complete. When my mother in law bought these ribbon hangars to hold bows and such, I had two things to put on them (and she bought me those two things with the ribbon hangars). I have girls and yet I don't always have particular items you expect with girls. I have a drawer full of ribbon, but no clips. Well, now I have remedied that, a bit. There are more to come (some felt ones) but I ran out of time to make them yesterday.

I also made a tutusie for Daisy (she can't really benefit from the clips yet—grow hair, grow). This was the most work intensive project there, but I think it turned out really well. And I like that it has a little overlap so you can tuck a flower in it (ooh, maybe she can benefit after all).

I put it on her for church today and she promptly spit up all over it. For the record, the no-dairy thing didn't work; neither did the acid reflux medication. So, we are trying the wait-it-out system and hope that Dad doesn't get too frustrated and sell her on Ebay (you would get annoyed too if someone vomited on you every day).

Tyler took care of the kids while I crafted, then I came home and let him go off shooting (pretty good swap I think). The kids played in the sprinkler, I made jam. My hands smelled like fresh squeezed lemons for hours. Then I noticed that I used the wrong pectin (the box says that pectin brands are NOT interchangeable with recipes). I'm not really worried though. It is freezer jam, and even if it stayed liquid, it would still taste sweet and strawberryish.

Here are some pictures of the girls. I don't know if it was really warm enough to be playing in cold water, but they seemed to enjoy themselves.

Later in the evening, Tyler and I went over to the Neilsen's to roast Marshmallows over their new fire pit. The weather and company were perfect and Tyler devised a new (genius) way to do S'mores. He stuck a piece of chocolate inside the marshmallow and as the marshmallow cooked, the chocolate melted and became a liquid treat inside. So yummy.


  1. Sounds like a super Saturday in that it was so busy! Fun day!

  2. I love the hair clips. And the onesie for the baby. You are so creative! And, I might just have to come over sometime and try your jam! :P Sounds delicious.

    Also, I think it was perfect weather for playing in the sprinklers. I wish I had been playing outside...I've spent far too much time inside (the hospital mostly) the past few days.

  3. Daisy did look so cute in her new outfit yesterday, even if she did spit up all over it (or maybe I saw her before she spit up). :)

  4. Sounds like a good day. I have also been trying to collect more girly things like bows and ribbons for my daughter. I need to learn to make them, but haven't done it yet.

  5. It sounds like a perfect Saturday! The clips look great on the ribbons (and in your girls' hair).

  6. Sounds like a fun Saturday :) I guess it was RS activity for making hair clips. All the things that you made looks very cute. Good job! Do you know where they get those flowers? I'm thinking to make few for my niece (they don't have anything like that in Russia)...

  7. Those are cute things you made...especially love the tutusie! That S'mores creation sounds yummy - I'll have to let Mark know of his friends creation!
