Friday, May 15, 2009

A Few Lessons Learned

Don't leave open containers of ANYTHING in your fridge. There is no doubt you will manage to spill them and if you are really lucky, it will be all over yourself.

If your child uses her head to bash you in the cheek, she will win hands down and you will get a black eye. But then you can make jokes about your husband beating you (which shouldn't be funny because women are abused everyday, but if you use humor to deal with awkward situations...then it might be okay).

If you have been avoiding putting a plethora of girls into gymnastics/dance because it would be extremely expensive, don't be surprised when it is, IN FACT, even more expensive than that. Just take lots of pictures this year so when they are older and not allowed to be in any extracurricular activities because you have no money, at least you still have pictures to show that you did let them join something at one point (back before the bankruptcy).

If you give someone a movie and tell them to watch it, you might mention if the ending is the worst ending known to man that doesn't tie up any of the show or details that go with it. If I were speaking to anyone in particular, it would be YOU, Dad.


  1. Very important life lessons, indeed! I'm really curious to know what movie you're talking about.

  2. It was actually a mini-series called The Lost Room. The plot was so cool, and the movie totally kept me on edge. It was creative and suspenseful.

    And then the ending sucked.

    You are welcome to borrow it sometime. I have it on tape.

  3. Yikes. I'm sorry you have a black eye. And that the movie ending was crap. And that you spilled something in your fridge (I'm avoiding the evaporated milk in mine because it involves taking out drawers, etc.)

  4. I have always wanted a black eye, so I am jealous. And I hear ya on leaving things open in the fridge. In our case, it's leaving things on the fridge, so when the door opens, it smashes you.
