Saturday, May 2, 2009

Can't You Hear Me S.O.S?

I need HELP!

Rynell and Cindy tagged me on Facebook with a note, "15 books." I liked reading their picks but I realized that I hadn't read many of them. I profess to be a reader and yet there is MUCH out there that I have yet to read (okay, I am taking into account the fact that there are billions of books out there and I can never read them all—I just mean there are more I could be reading than I am right now).

Add to that, that I am reading Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons. It is a book about real (meaning they each have character development) women who get together each month in a book club.

I love it!

I need a book club.

I need women like you, Rynell and Cindy, who choose great inspiring books for me to read. And I need the motivation to get them done by a certain time because with kids, cooking, Wii, crosstitching, sleeping, cleaning, blogging, etc., I sometimes don't pick up a book for a while.

I need to read.

I love to read.

So here is my S.O.S. going out. I want intelligent women (meaning you all), but women who love to read as well. It doesn't have to be once a month, but it could be. We could get together once every two months; I know schedules are busy. But I realize how much I miss reading a good book and then discussing it with multiple opinions. You know you need this too (some of you). So let's do something about it.


  1. BTW - I only deleted that comment because I remembered I was going to say more...maybe I should've just added a second comment?!? oh well. I am the same way about reading...I love it and need to do it more often, but have lots of distractions. Having a deadline definitely helps me. If I lived there, I'd be in for sure. Maybe if we move there someday I can join in.

  2. I am in. I, too, love to read and am always wondering what to read next. Let me know what you come up with (you really are a great organizer of people...and things).

  3. Well, I like the idea, but I live too far away to get together for a discussion. However, I do love to read. And there is the phone ...

  4. I would like to be in, but I don't even have time to read as it is! I have a stack of books that I keep buying that I don't have time to read, but good idea!

    But I am reading a book right now that you should read-Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. A classic, with a twist-I love it so far.

  5. I would love to TRY and do it. But let's be honest- I have read one book since the twins have been born. Sad, I know. Let me know the details though!

  6. I dig books. You already know that. Are you on goodreads? I just sent you an invite.
