Monday, May 4, 2009

Good Old Fashioned Picnic

Saturday it rained all morning and I was thinking that perhaps it wasn't the best day to schedule a ward picnic. However, by 5:30, it was chipper outside and ended up being perfect weather for the gathering. The previous weather brought the numbers down a bit, but our family had a blast regardless.

June picked me every weed flower she could find, as usual.

I think she single handedly could clean a yard of dandylions (I will rent her out for $10 an hour—sorry, she doesn't get them at the roots).

There was a three-legged race. This brought back great memories from my childhood. I was the three-legged race champion with Jamie Johnson (I finally remembered her took me a while). The girls had fun.

Tyler and I were taken out by another couple (read: knocked over on purpose). This wouldn't have mattered except that our legs were taped together and we ripped right through it. We were naturally the couple to beat so the others resorted to drastic measures. I'm kidding, of course. Not about our competitive nature...that is fine and healthy, but I don't think anyone feels threatened by us.

The weather did catch us off guard at one point. Turns out it was raining babies.

Tyler took care of it though.

While I was off taking pictures, Robyn won the ball toss. I didn't realize until later that I caught her win on film (can I say film when it is all digital?)

It was a pleasant evening overall. Too bad they never played football. We could have sent
in our star quarterback.


  1. Looks like fun was definitely had by your family at that picnic. Wow - Tyler really tosses Daisy up in the air....I don't know if I've ever seen a baby tossed so high - leave it to Tyler!

  2. Like I've said before, your family sure has a lot of fun!

  3. We're going for a world record in baby tossing. I understand that the Guinness Book of World Records records the highest baby toss at 22.7 feet for a 12 lb 4 ounce baby! We were just shy on this toss--only 21.2 feet. But with a lot of hard work and sweat we should be able to accomplish our goals. I'd like to thank my sponsors: Nike, Gatorade, and RockStar Energy Drinks for making our run at the title possible.

    (BTW, all the Guinness record stuff mentioned above--all fake. I'm just giving myself something to shoot for.)

    We did have more than our fair share of fun at the picnic.

  4. It was a great picnic, even if we only arrived for the games! And I missed the part where it was raining babies.

  5. Looks like a fun ward picnic!
