Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Date Last Night

My friend Tricia bought us tickets to see Thoroughly Modern Millie and then she got sick. Well, I guess she remained sick, since she was sick before. Either way...huge bummer. So, she told me to take someone else. I was going to take Tyler, but that involved calling a babysitter, so instead, I took Robyn.

It was a bit long for a five year old, but she loved parts of it; especially the part where I bought her candy at intermission. She was really good and sat still through the whole thing and only asked about nine times if it was over. Afterward she claimed to LOVE it, but I think part of that was just the smugness of me taking her instead of June.

She makes me laugh though. She is at that age where she repeats random things she hears and sometimes they fit in the scenario and sometimes not. Last night as were leaving the house , we had this moment.

Me: Are you all ready to go see the play?

Robyn: Duty calls.


Then as we were crossing the parking lot to go inside, she was doing her usual.

Robyn: Step on a crack, and you'll fall and break your back.

Step on a line and you'll fall and break your spine.

Step on a rock and you'll fall and break your Spock (She must feel that I am ready to see the new movie).

Step on the grass and you'll fall and break...

Me: Uh...Robyn...

Robyn: ...your mass.

Me: Phew.


  1. Mommy Daughter dates are a hot commodity around here...come to think of it ANY kind of date is. I love to get my kids one on one because they really are so funny and adorable. I also love the picture below of "raining babies". Love it.

  2. Love the movie though I have never seen the play. Always wanted to.

  3. Sounds like a fun date with your daughter. Kids say the funniest things sometimes.

  4. I laughed out loud at "mass". Hmmm...that is quite an appropriate way to describe that area for me right now!

    I'm glad you had fun. One on one dates with kids are the greatest.

  5. I love that play! I hope you guys enjoyed it too.
