Thursday, May 7, 2009

Unconditional Love

What would the world be like if we all loved like children do? They seem to look past faults and forgive quickly.

Ivory was lying on my lap the other morning and we were watching cartoons. Her head was across my legs, pillowed on my fluffy bathrobe. She paused a moment and I could tell something wasn't right. She pushed aside my plush bathrobe and put her head on my dry, scaly, hairy legs and let out a sigh of contentment. Then during the show, she paused every now and then to run her finger over my callused toes. She sat there and loved me without ever passing a judgment.

In tens years I can hear my girls more likely say things like:

"Mom, don't you ever shave your legs anymore, ew!"

"Looks like it's time for another pedicure."


"I know we live in a desert, but there is lotion for that alligator skin."

But for now, I will accept the sweet love of a child and try to remember to model my own love after hers.


  1. funny. Know the unshaved legs and toes-in-need-of-a-pedicure feeling, for sure! That is so don't care about things like that. There are times I remember that I haven't put on makeup or done anything with my hair, and I'm so grateful that they are nonjudgmental and love me anyways! Gotta love 'em, AND love like them!

  2. I love how kids don't realize the flaws in us that we see!
