Sunday, May 31, 2009

I am the Official Party Pooper

The kids were playing so nicely upstairs while I made dinner the other night. I couldn't imagine what was keeping them all busy with no fighting. I should have guessed it was something they weren't supposed to be doing, but sometimes you take what you can get.

In this case, they weren't even making a mess...can you believe it?? No, instead they had tied a jump rope between the two bed posts and were using it to perform circus tricks. They would sit on it and swing upside down and shimmy across like a tight rope. It was really frightening for me to watch and I was amazed someone hadn't come to me crying yet.

They were having the best time though. They showed off all their tricks and I watched as the edges of the bed rose off the ground when June did hers (I can't believe she can lift both beds with her weight, but she can). I was such a good mom; I watched for a while and then called it off. Normally I would freak out, but I remember being a kid and finding something so cool to do. Tyler even told me stories of when he and his brothers would throw the vacuum cord over the stairs in the split entry and then climb up it like a rope in gym class. These ideas seem so great to kids, but we adults have apparently forgotten how to have fun. We are too into safety boring.

So I sat there for a minute and just enjoyed watching children play. And then I had to be mom again and ruin all their fun.


  1. It does looks SO fun for kids - but so scary for mom if something happen... but anyway Good job kids on being that creative!

  2. I'm impressed with their creativity! That looks like it would be fun.

    p.s. When I first read the title of the post my eyes read "pooper scooper" instead of "party pooper" and I was very curious to find out what the girls had been doing upstairs.

  3. Cirqe de Soleil --here they come!

  4. That is so funny...I literally was just thinking that I'm that party pooper mom and then read your post. Thanks for the reminder that I too need to let loose once in a while and let the kids be kids.

  5. Way to go! I think I would have freaked out the second I saw that little stunt.

    So true about the amazing ideas we come up with kids. We just cannot imagine why our parents aren't on board. Go figure...
