Thursday, May 28, 2009

I've Never Used an IPOD Either

Remember that monkey on Friends who got ahold of the remote and reprogrammed the TV so it only spoke in Spanish? This is so true. I can't tell you how many times a child has pushed a button or the baby has crawled across the remote and it has taken me decades to figure out how to fix the problem.

And now they have taken it to new levels. We have an old radio up in our bedroom. We don't use it often, but I am sure it was very high-tech in its time; it came with its own remote and everything. We turn it on sometimes to listen to Prairie Home Companion, or a CD (who listens to CDs anymore? We always listen to the computer). Well, I guess this old radio was also an alarm clock at some point, because the past week or so, it has been turning itself on every night at 9:20 exactly. Some monkey of my own must have managed to push a button and program the darn thing, and I can't figure out how to UNprogram it. I've pushed a different button each evening to turn it off, but nothing seems to work since the next evening at 9:20, it comes on again. It is more of an annoyance than a problem. If it were coming on at three in the morning...then it would be a problem.

This is just more proof to me that I am getting old and technology is one step ahead of me. Someone told me to text them today, and I was slightly embarrassed to tell them that I don't even own a cell phone, let alone a texting plan. It's a good thing I have children, because they will have to drag me through the technology age. At least I beat them to a blog...barely.


  1. Leave it unplugged for a few hours. That should reset things.

  2. agree with cindy... just unplug it.

  3. I actually thought of the unplug solution as I was writing the post and then I felt too silly to write that I had only JUST thought of it. It's good to know other people are quicker with the thinkin' than me.

  4. Too funny! I'm right there with you. Olivia didn't believe me when I said I have sent only 3 text messages in my life (none of them were longer than 3 words and it took me 5 minutes). She said, "Ya right, Mom. Not even when you were little?" I hope the unplugging works.

  5. It's not just remotes - I have the same problem with my computer. I'll be typing along and I'll hit the wrong thing and suddenly my typing is composed of Russian letters, or something equally unintelligible. I haven't a clue how to fix it - have to reboot the computer to get things back to normal.

  6. OK, we are officially kindred spirits. Prarie Home Companion? Love it. My family has actually been to a Garrison Keeler show for my Dad's birthday one year.
    Sorry about the radio though. I usually just unplug things in hopes that it will "De-posess" them. My baby has just figured out how to turn the radio on my alarm clock on. It is very loud and always startles her. But she does it again. and again. and again.

  7. I have the same issue with the kids pushing some button on the remote that changes things....who doesn't, anyway!?! So funny about the texting....we do have a cell phone but no texting plan, so when we do decide to text or someone texts us - it takes a while for us to respond, especially Mark. Our friends were surprised to find out last night that Mark not only doesn't have a Facebook acct., but rarely uses email or internet!!

  8. At least it goes off at a reasonable time, and not at like, 3 in the morning!

  9. Uh, I feel incredibly spoiled by the fact that i have my own laptop, wireless of course...a blackberry with web access and unlimited minutes, texting plan (limited to the first 400, which I rarely go over 200 in a month) but still! They have those pre-paid phone plans at walmart for $10 then just buy some minutes for emergencies. Or Cricket has unlimited calling and txting for a flat rate! I must FULLY admit though, it's a lot easier to be online when there is only one person who wants to use the computer at a time. lol...
